The Knife

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(Bellamy POV)
This is his knife! Murphy's knife! But how is it here?! Why is it at the Survivor's house?! I mean yes, I see the obvious answer. But there's no way that the Survivor can be Murphy! Is there? No! No, there is not a chance in hades that Murphy is still alive.

I mean he did always say that he'd survive. Maybe he did? I have to talk to someone about this.

I carefully set down the knife and leave the room. I eventually find Jasper, Monty, Clarke, Octavia, Finn and Raven. I usher them all inside the room.

"You guys have to be quiet, okay?" They nod. I take a deep breath. "I found this here." I gesture to the signature knife. All of their eyes go wide except for Raven, who looks unimpressed. Right! She never met Murphy, which means that she never saw this knife because I banished him with it.

I shudder at the memory but brush it off for a later guilt trip. "Right, Raven you never met him. This is Murphy's knife, the one we banished him with."

"Wait, like the same Murphy that you guys made a tribute for at the beginning of the week? That Murphy? The dead one?" We're all whisper-shouting but that last one had a bit more vigor.

"Yes!" As realization hits her, her eyes get a little wider. That is, until Clarke bursts my mystery-solving bubble.

"Bellamy, maybe he just found Murphy's knife or maybe he saw Murphy at one point. Maybe he's the one who killed him. Just because he has that knife doesn't mean that he's Murphy. I think we've learned from past experience that other people can use that knife too." Ouch. Bringing up the hanging, and the fact that Charlotte used that knife to kill Wells, and just because of those letters on the inside, we assumed it was him. I sigh, this is exhausting.

Raven sighs after me. "As much as I hate to admit this, she has a point." Her and Clarke are still on icy terms, thanks to the whole Finn debacle. Not to mention Raven just finds Clarke annoying.

Jasper suddenly speaks. "Guys, it's not just the knife though! Is he sarcastic and sassy like Murphy? Heck yes! Does he protect us like Murphy? Definitely! Has he hidden his entire appearance from us, almost like we'd know him if we see him? Uhh, duh, yeah!"

Monty puts a hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down. "Jasper, as much as I want to believe that he's still alive, there is absolutely no way that he lived on his own for an entire year."

Finally, Finn spoke up. "But Lexa did say that he was tortured by Grounders and that afterwards he wouldn't be one of them, but he offered an alliance. Grounders don't normally torture each other and when they do, the tortured Grounder either stays with their clan or they're banished. He did neither, so maybe he wasn't a Grounder to start with." Ah, always a voice of reason.

Octavia sighed. "I don't think Murphy could survive Grounder torture honestly. He was scrappy, but he couldn't have had the pain tolerance necessary to withstand it. That is, unless he was hurt badly on a regular basis before being tortured."

Raven sighed again. "What does it matter? If he ever wants us to know then he'll tell us! Until then we're gonna mind our own business. Now, let's go stand in the line for the shower, you all stink." She pushed us out the door and into the hall.

We all stood in the shower line with one thing on all of our minds.


(Narrator POV)
After everyone was showered and changed back into their own clothes, that were now clean, they headed back downstairs.

"Okay, dinner is....... done!" On the island sat all kinds of cooked fish, crab, lobster, sushi, corn, broccoli, chicken, shrimp and salad. For drinks there was a pitcher of lemonade and a pitcher of water. Somehow there were enough plates, cups and utensils for all of  them.

They all picked somewhere to eat, some inside and some outside since around here it was about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the Survivor the temperatures during the day could go anywhere from 80 to 35, and at night they could be from 70 to 25 on the coast.

Eventually everyone finished and everything was cleaned up and put away and a good majority had fallen asleep since it was now 6 and they had been walking around all night.

Some people were playing a video game in the living room. Turns out that there's a flatscreen tv and gaming consoles in there it was just hidden in a wall compartment.

Bellamy, Raven, Finn, Octavia, Lincoln and the Survivor were all sitting at the dining room table. Not really talking, just relaxing a bit since that's what today was all about. They had only been traveling a few days, but they were all whooped. Jasper was with Maia in the living room and Monty was with Harper on the balcony, otherwise they would have joined.

Suddenly, Bellamy breaks the silence with a loud yell. "Murphy!" Everyone jumped at his sudden outburst. He just wanted to see how the Survivor would react.

"Um, bless you?" The Survivor seemed very unsure of what just happened.

Octavia sighed. "He wasn't sneezing, he was just being an idiot. Murphy is a name." She wanted to know if he was Murphy too, but there are better ways to find out then to just scream his name out in the middle of a house full of sleeping people.

"That's an odd name." The Survivor commented. I mean, he had a point, to anyone who didn't know that it was a last name, they would be very confused.

Finn spoke up. "Last name, not first." He was hoping it was Murphy honestly. He had no clue why, but he was.

"Ah, I see. Very odd to just scream that, but I've done weirder things, I won't judge." He chuckled. This was rather amusing in his opinion.

Octavia then perked up. "Guys! We should play kiss, marry, kill!" They all nodded, everyone was down for a game and a change of topic. "Okay, I'll ask first. Survivor, your names are, Clarke, Raven, and Bellamy."

The Survivor didn't even have to think. "Easy. Kiss Bellamy because no offense, but I really don't want to be committed to you, then Marry Raven, and kill Clarke." Clarke yelled an offended 'hey!' In his direction. "I'm not even sorry." He made sure that it was loud enough for her to hear that. They all laughed and he asked next. "Lincoln, you got Lexa, Roan, and Indra." He chuckled. This should be good.

Lincoln thought for a moment after making a disgusted face. Indra was like a mom to most Grounders, including him. "Umm... I guess kiss Lexa, marry Indra because it doesn't say we have to kiss or anything, and then kill Roan." They all nodded. "Okay, Raven I'm giving you Jasper, Harper, and the Survivor." He honestly wanted her and the Survivor to date already, they were too cute.

She looked about ready to cry. No! She didn't want to have to choose between killing Harper or killing Jasper. "Okay, kiss Jasper, Marry the Survivor, and then I guess I have to kill Harper." She sighed. "Okay, Bellamy. Monty, Miller, and Lincoln." She snickered at his face when she mentioned his sisters boyfriend.

Bellamy sighed heavily. "Alright, kiss Lincoln because Octavia would kill me if I did the other two, then I'd marry Monty and kill Miller, sadly." He wished he didn't have to kill Miller, but oh well. Luckily, it was just a game.

The game went on for about 20 more minutes until everyone got too tired to even form words, so they went to sleep.

In the morning they'd be going to the shore and cliffs. They didn't know what they'd find there or what secrets they'd uncover.

A/N hey, this is kind of like a filler chapter. But hey we got some more games! I love games like these for some reason.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed and that you keep reading!

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