"he got B I G pecks" - Matthew Kim

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"keep still," he said softly with hooded eyes, "daddy wants desert."
at that moment taeyong swore he was gonna cum. 
it was Saturday night.  jaehyun and taeyong were watching their FAVORITE show, "it's always sunny in philadelphia". they were just crying from laughter and laughing from crying, what a beautiful mess of a show, just like them. as they finished rewatching season twelve, the casserole in the oven was done baking (ya we fucking went there with the cASSeRole -isab). "oh, diners ready!" taeyong said excitedly to jaehyun, his fiancé, who was cuddling with him the whole time. they went to the kitchen and finished eating. "damn that lasagna was great" ( yes i fucking went there with the lasagna -isab). shortly after, taeyong grabbed the dishes, put them inside the sink and started to wash them. slowly from the back, jaehyun wrapped his arms around taeyongs waist and laid his head on taeyongs head. "can i help~?" jaehyun asked. taeyong chuckled at how adorable the younger was acting towards him. "of course you can, why would i want to wash the dishes anyway?" taeyong replied back. just after they were finishing up, jaehyun was still acting clingy towards the older. taeyong wasn't complaining.
as jaehyuns hands moved up his fiancés thighs, he grabbed him and wrapped taeyongs legs around his waist. taeyong knew he had lost control of his body, but this gave him sense of pleasure. As he threw him against the kitchen counter, his hoarse voice muttered low, intimidating words.          ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - natalie )
"keep still," he said softly with hooded eyes, "daddy wants desert." at that moment taeyong swore he was gonna cum. jaehyuns gentle kisses began to devour taeyongs mouth as he devoured his. taeyong gripped onto his silky lavender hair as the other tugged onto his. he then grabbed taeyongs hands and held them above his head, indicating he was officially in control. his rough hands were up and down taeyongs body, soothing him with every touch. jaehyun slowly started to attach his lips onto taeyongs jaw till he reached his neck, slowly leaving dark red spots hoping whoever sees them knows that he's jaehyuns property. as jaehyun did this, taeyong was roaming his hands against the youngers chest. "damn, he got big pecks." taeyong thought to himself. (hey it's in the title it gotta be here somewhere, plus it's the truth. Jaehyuns got BIG PECKS. -nare). taeyong slowly started to raise jaehyuns shirt from his waist up. jaehyun realized what taeyong was doing, so he started to do it to the older as well, simultaneously leaving hickies on the older (we stan a multi tasking king - natalie). soon enough they were both shirtless and started to gaze at eachother, jaehyun focusing on taeyongs eyes and taeyong was focusing on other things (jaehyuns d i c k is popping out of his pants -natalie). taeyong has plans to fix the youngers problem as he slowly started to roam his hands from jaehyuns chest till the buttons on his jeans.

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ok deadass at this point we got bored and don't know wtf we're doing
the shit that came out of our mouths while making this
natalie - "like lets say this whole time tae was melting chocolate and he grabs it off the stove and slowly drops it on jaes chest AND LICKS IT"
isabella- "fiancé... its french, it has to be scandalous"
nare - ""daddy this some kinky shit right here"

 its french, it has to be scandalous" nare - ""daddy this some kinky shit right here"

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btw this is what jaehyun and taeyong look like in t h i s fic

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btw this is what jaehyun and taeyong look like in t h i s fic

btw this is what jaehyun and taeyong look like in t h i s fic

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