"Crazy Family" Chapter One

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        Sky's P.O.V.

“Sky honey please wake up, I don’t want you running late for school.” I groan, shoving the pillow in my face. Attempting to block out my mother’s voice but I knew I had to get up.

 “IM UP” I yelled, I scattered off the bed to only trip on absolutely nothing and land face first on my fuzzy carpet creating a big thud.

“Ow shit that hurt.” I shook it off as I picked myself off of the floor. My feet moved my body towards the dresser, as I grabbed a white tank top that states “I rule,” and a pair of bright blue booty shorts.

I headed in to the bathroom to taking a short shower, letting the warm water roam my sore face. Slowly turning the water off, then suddenly a blast of cold air hit me and sent shivers down my spine. Quickly gripping a towel and wrapping it over my naked body. Slowly heading towards the dryer and did magic, then finishing my hair with a curler.

 Running over to the bed, I throw the clothing over my head or under my legs. Then slide my feet on the wooden flooring heading downstairs to the kitchen. As I slide into the kitchen I see my mother sitting on a chair sipping her coffee. Then I look across from her to see my daddy scrolling through his Iphone. My mother looked up from the table with a smile making its way to her face.

“Sky you look adorable as ever!” My mother screeched like a 15 year old girl. I sat down at the table getting a cup and pouring myself a glass of apple juice and grabbing a bowl of coco puffs, poured the milk and started munching on it.

“Thanks mom you don’t look so bad either, in fact you look smoking hot.” I stated while trying to place another spoon in my mouth as she blushed beet red.

“You shouldn’t say those things sky” My mother said as she playfully shoved me. My mother is indeed hot; she has a slim body, with long wavy black hair and piercing blue eyes. My father looked up from his phone as he heard me say that. His eyes wear filled with love and a hint of lust, Gross! I hope I find my mate, which would be a dream come true.

“We will find are mate soon little one, I promise.”My wolf said from inside my skull, then faded out.

“I hope.”I answered back to nobody as she disappeared into my mind to sleep, a few seconds back.

I went back into reality to hear my father say words that I dread the most.

“Sky have you found your mate yet?” With hope placed into his eyes like he’s expecting me to say no so I can be his little girl forever.

I love my father but he can be a butt munch when it comes to guys. My mom on the other hand is like a crazy older sister but half dead in the morning. I don’t even know how my dad can contain her during the day other then mornings.

I shook my head sadly; my mother knows how I feel about my mate. That I want to meet him so so badly! My dad on the other hand is clueless.

“It’s alright darling you’ll find your hunk of a chunk soon, but look at what I got stuck with. BE HAPPY!” When my mother finished a loud growl escaped my father’s mouth.

Within a flash my dad was in front of my mother, lifting her into the air and on to his shoulder. Then ran out the door within 30 seconds; with her screaming to ‘let her down’ or screaming ‘bye’ to me.

Thank god the rest of my siblings are at their friends house or on their way to school. Wait…………………..on their way to school. SHIT THAT’S WHERE I HAVE TO GO!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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