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Once upon a time, in a far away land lived a lonely queen. She was regarded as the most powerful and beautiful one of all. She was blessed by the gods giving her the power to wield magic and to also predict important times in the future. The downside of her power is peoples greed for it, she is the only human able to wield magic, and that predicting the future takes away some of her life span. Though, upon receiving the gifts from the gods above, her hair has turned from blonde to a shade of pink. Though she can see others futures, she cannot see her own. Despite all that was said, this queen wasn't always lonely. Once there was two, but due to unfortunate turns of events, two turned to one.

In the beginning, there was a king and queen that loved no one can match, loved by all except one. The kings older brother had his eyes set on the throne, from jealousy and anger of being the first born but still not getting the throne and from not having the queen for himself, he had killed the king. Though when the queen had found out, she looked into the future for her child. She decided that fleeing would be the best choice for the baby to live. She couldn't change the past and does not want to change the future. All magic comes with a price. But, if not for the little heart beat inside of her stomach, she would have raised hell inside the kingdom from anger and grief.

Promising the king that she'll keep their child safe and that she will flee her kingdom if it is needed. The brother angered with her disappearance puts a bounty on her head for the murder of the king and has everyone in the kingdom looking for her. The kingdom being no longer safe, she heads deep into the woods to her little cottage by the lake, made for if something ever bad happen and the needed to flee. The only other person knowing of its location, dead.

Using a lot of her magic to create a barrier that no one can find unless they are the ones shes seen in her visions when the time comes. During her pregnancy, fates intertwine with each other. The queen sets out preparations for her child and writes him letters to help him on his rough journey he will face in the future. Throughout this time, the Kingdom of Gale falls into despair of losing their rulers and gaining a new evil one. Even the earth seems to be mourning them, droughts had come and along with it, the lost of many food sources. Sickness, poverty, and even wars start out over the lost of sources. The king fueled by power and greed takes part to gain more land even at the cost of his own people.

Though, in evil, also comes good. In a cottage that sits near a lake, far into the woods that is sealed off from the rest of the world you hear the first cries of a baby boy who name will be Jimin. Born with the blonde hair of his mother and the brown eyes of his father. One of the many fates was sealed that day. The future for this child is gruesome but there will come a day on his 17th birthday where all will rejoice, when blonde turns to pink, and the sealed is release. Evil will cower at the sights of good. But for now, this child will grow up with his mother till the age of 7, learning about his legacy and training for the day good takes back its rightful place in this world.

The queen who's sworn to not mess with fate will leave on the child's 7th birthday into the kingdom to leave a message for everyone. "When blonde turns to pink on the day of their 17th birthday, he will come back to free all of the chains left from an awful rule and set those free." The queen leaves this prophecy of the future one last time before heading back to her son. From using her powers to save her son, her lifespan had shortened dramatically. By the outskirts of the seal, all will silence and mourn the lost of the late Queen of Gale, Sylveon. With one last final bit of her will, she releases her powers into the earth awaiting the day when it comes for the savior to leave and take back the kingdom and bring life back to all.

Currently writing the first chapter: includes kid versions them till Jimin leaves his home! Aka them growing up [even tho it's small ^^;; ]

My first big project woo! I'm nervous about it so I hope I'll finish this story. I'm not a fantastic writer and I tend to mess up my grammar a lot so please bare with me! (Comments on help with that are welcomed)

I tend not to write a lot so for this, I want to make these chapters lengthy [which is super hard btw, I'm struggling like hell :,^   ] Sooo... I'll try my best to update every 1-2 weeks? No promises tho ^^;;

I hope you enjoy what I got so far and stay tuned for the rest of the story. I'll admit the prologue was more based on the beginnings of how all it happened instead of the main bts characters but like I said in the description, this story will be more adventure centered around Jimins life so I thought it would be important to talk about this first then bring them in later. But yeah. Worried, nervous, and scared as hell for this project but I hope u enjoy what I write

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Twitter: S1eepysuga_r

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