★"Cover Contest #1"★

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Hey guys, there will be a cover contest for the new book cover of my next story called "Not Broken Yet" and I want y'all to think creatively positive about the book cover.

This story will still have four original characters with similar styles, different lives, same careers and more.

I chose Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Jonah Arsene (My WWE 2K Character) to fall in love with my OCS.

The first 3 winners gets to be played as one of them of your choosing. Till then, I'll take an old former book cover till I see the new ones...

Till then...I have to use an old cover of mine on my old books from my last website I was on.

Sayonara Guys!!!!

The cover is either a crying eyeball or Hayley Williams... Okay?


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