09: Hell In A Cell PT. #2 - "Angel Of Darkness"

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The fans are feeding Raya that same energy she needs to defeat Kong and retain her pure golden title. Everyone backstage are extremely worried about her safety and her well being, because everyone knows what Kong will do whenever she is in the ring with any wrestler by her own bare hands. The gang are here outside watching the fight and we're petrified to see Raya like this state. Raya rammed Kong hard into the turnbuckles four times and did a strong judo hip toss on her.

"Daya with the judo hip toss on Kharma!" Cole exclaimed.

Raya brushed her hair back, revealing a black eye on her left side of her face and we hissed in that.

"DAMN!" Becky yelled.

Raya kicked out on Kong's main finisher on one, got out of her painful submission by reversing it and signature move by doing a Pele Kick. Raya's on her feet, Kong wad on the top rope and she knows that she's gonna do.

"Kong's behind Daya!" Cole exclaimed.

"Don't turn around kid!" Jerry yelled.

When Margaret tried to do a Crossbody, Daya turned around quick before caught her and let out a battle cry...then did a fall-away slam.

"OH MY GOD!!" JBL screamed.

"Fall-away slam!" Corey exclaimed.

"Seth must be proud of his sister Daya for that counter!" Jerry said.

Rya came back and upload on Kong quick. She lifted up and held up like Beth does, making the fans get out of their seats and cheer loud.


Raya did an absolute powerbomb on Kong and we screamed in excitement.

"Powerbomb by Ms. Rollins!" Cole exclaimed.

"She's ready to end Kong!" Booker T said.

The two climbed out of the cell and went up the roof of it. Kong punched her in the gut, but Daya blocked it and did Lethal Injection.

"Lethal Injection!" Cole exclaimed.

Daya took a deep breath and then...HOLY SHIT!! GOD DAMN YOU BRITANI LOPEZ!!!!

"OH LORD!! WHAT IS DAYA THINKING?!" Jerry shouted his question.

She screamed before lifting Margaret up and then BAM!!! SHE JUST DID...

"BROKEN WINGS!!" JBL screamed.

"The cell's rooftop is fully broken! Daya is pinning Kong!" Cole exclaimed.

"1! 2! 3!" The fans and ref said.

Daya got up and leaned against the turnbuckle. She got the count of 10 to win and everyone else is hoping she conquered "Bad Karma".


YES!!!!!!!!!! The bell ring as the fans were absolutely nuts and the roster came out cheering.

"Here's your winner and still the WWE Women's Champion, Daya Rollins!" Lilian announced that Raya won the match by pinfall.

I ran inside the cell and slid in the ring before hugging Ash who has tears streaming down her own doe eyes. The girls joined into the hug as the WWE universe went wild. We helped her up and then she thanked us. We roll her out of the ring as fans hugged her and pat her shoulders. She raised her belt and the roster cheered once again for her. The Shield rush towards us and picked us up while we laughed. Mox then carried Raya in his arms and she giggled with a bright red blush on her cheeks. The makeup was wiped off by me giving her a wet towel and she then kissed Mox, making the fans lose their minds.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"Yeah! I'm getting used to doing that." Raya replied.

We laughed, we all raise our titles, earning some insane fans and we all laugh in response. We all head backstage and got ready to take off this good shit we like. First we have to get Raya and me checked out first, because we got in a brutal match.

"Man, I'm sore as hell!" Raya complained.

"Same, we did some stupid ass bullshit in that damn ring!" I whined out in agreement.

Our men chuckled at our pain in amusement before carrying us to the medic room.

"You two are always doing this!" The doctor scolded at us.

"Sorry Victor." We both apologized.

He checked to see if there's something wrong and he sighed in relief.

"Nothing's wrong, y'all both has no wounds, but just battle scars from your matches and that'll be it." He explained.

We nodded, we got up and rushed into our locker room to pack up to go to the hotel. Once we were ready, we head out to see our Jeep and we smiled. We put our stuff and junk in the trunk before getting in different seats. Ash's driving while Becky is beside her, I'm behind her, and Raya will be behind Ash. We went to the hotel complex and got our room number. Apparently, we got different rooms to sleep in and have "FUN".

"Our rooms is by each others and we're getting roomed by our big brothers we sadly loved to death." Becky said.

"I know, but we need some rest and relax our bodies." I added.

"Okay...goodnight." Raya told them.

"Goodnight," we responded back to each other.

I went into my hotel room to see Ferg on the couch and I giggled silently. I plopped myself on his lap, making him laugh in response and I curled up into a ball.

"Darling, you wanna soak in with me?" Ferg offered me.

I nodded, he carried me into the shower and then he took off my clothes before stripping his off as well. He went inside the tub and put me in-between his legs as he cleaned me up gently like a princess. He knew I was too tired and very exhausted, so he comforted me with a hot bath to calm my nerves down. He showered me with butterfly kisses and sweet nothings from his lips. Ferg then cupped my cheek and kissed me gently.

"You're so gorgeous." Ferg whispered in my ear.

I flushed red, he stared at me with his bright ocean blue eyes and we pecked our lips together. Once we were done, he dried us off and dressed us into our pajamas. He took me to the bed and we cuddled instinctively.

"Love you Ferg." I yawned tiredly.

"Love you too," he murmured in my ears.

I smiled when he kissed my forehead tenderly and I was out like a light. Before I dozed off to dreamland, I heard Ferg say the words I wanted to hear for a while and I smiled softly.

"Soon...you'll marry me and become my little queen."

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