"Alright kid what will it be."

You wrinkled your nose, "Both."


You were in the middle of racing down the side of a steep hill when ratchets voice blasted around the cabin inside wheeljack.

"Hate to break up your little session but (name) really is due for a checkup and must return to the base as soon as possible. I'm locking onto your coordinates and sending a bridge.

Ratchet just had to place it right at the bottom of the slope so you went right through.

"NO NO NO NO NO! I do NOT want want ANOTHER checkup!" You waved your arms trying to give wheeljack the idea that you wanted to get out of there.

That's when wheeljack realized why you were in such a hurry to leave in the first place. A touch of nostalgia came over him.

"Look, you like checkups as much as I do kid, but there's no avoiding it." Wheeljack transformed up and walked over to the waiting ratchet with you in hand.

"You young lady should not have escaped when you knew you had to be examined what do you have to say about yourself!" Ratchet scolded you as he took you from wheeljack and sat you on the berth.

You chafed your arms uncomfortably as ratchet scanned you to check all your readings.

Ratchet turned to type your info into the computer. "How have you been feeling?" Ratchet didn't look back.

"Fine, good, can I go now."

Ratchet grumbled and looked over at wheeljack and back at you.

"I'm required to check on you, especially during this time."

You looked away, he had to bring it up.

This caused wheeljack to look at you with concern. It twisted your heart to see such an expression on him. The last thing was you needing him to worry over you as well. You wouldn't break that easy.

"Well yeah I'm fine. Can I leave." You said rather sharply.

Ratchet heaved a sigh. Fine you can go." Ratchet then turned around and gently picked you up. He took a step towards wheeljack and acted like he was going to hand you to him before he gripped wheeljack's rotary cuff and led him to the berth.

"Since it's been awhile since YOUR last visit... It's your turn." Ratchet made wheeljack sit down.

You sat back and laughed at all of wheeljack's grunts and groans of irritation and the multiple faces he made in protest. Once finished ratchet let wheeljack go but before you both could escape ratchet stopped you once more but briefly.


You turned around to look at ratchet fighting a scowl."

"Yes ratchet." You tried to keep your voice even.

"Be careful, keep those readings up, especially now."

You bit back all emotion. "Yes ratchet."

Wheeljack transformed down and ratchet bridged you back to your original coordinates.

"Ok now what was THAT all about" wheeljack idled on the hot sand so confused and concerned.

"Ratchet is just concerned about my well being, that's all."

Wheeljack transformed up and took you out, holding you in his servo.

"What did he mean by especially now stuff. Are you sick? Are you injured? What's going on." wheeljack tensed as worry started to creep up within him.

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