Flying class

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(A/n I had no internet so I had to use a picture I already had saved, Aoyama is Queen.)

~Time skip 30 minutes later~

Y/n's P.O.V

After thirty long minutes of class, I had finally learned the spell Stupefy! The next class of the day was flying! I was so excited to fly a broom!

I had a lot of money so maybe I could buy a nimbus 2000..but for now practice is what counts.

Our teacher Madam Hooch was teaching us all about how to care for brooms. I felt eyes stating at me, and it turns out every boy in the class was staring at me. I was a little disturbed, but still tried to pay attention to the class.

"Now class, just believe in your broom and say 'up'!" Madam Hooch announced.

I put faith into my broom and said the word "up". The broom flew into my hand, I smiled and looked at Madam Hooch for approval.

"Well dome miss L/n! You got it first try!" Madam Hooch said. Everyone looked at me in awe, and poor Neville, while saying up he glances at me and his broomstick hits him in the face.

"Since we now have pretty much everyone on board, we will mount our brooms and practice flying. Don't be scared of going up otherwise your broom will- MR. LONGBOTTOM COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!!!" Madam Hooch yelled. I watch in shock as Neville keeps going higher and higher into the sky.

"I-I can't stop it!" Neville says in a frightened tone.

A thought comes into my head.

"Don't be afraid of the broom, otherwise you can't stop going up." I read this in a book. Neville looked like he was about to fall, and so I did what only felt natural...I got on my broom and flew towards him.

He fell and I caught him in my arms. "Hold onto me okay?" I asks.
Neville flushes a bright red and nods as he puts his arms around my neck. I caught his broom mid air and flew down towards the ground. Once Neville was safely on the ground, I sighed with relief.

Neville was blushing like a mad man and wouldn't even take one glance at me. I didn't mind it though, I'm sure he'll tell me thank you later.

"I am impressed miss L/n! Ten points to Hufflepuff! I have a little favor for you to do." Madam Hooch says excitedly.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"Please join the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and become a seeker." Madam Hooch suggests. (I kinda wanted to say keeper so when guys got together with you, they'd say "you're my little keeper" or something cringey like that)

"Um, sure...why not?" I shrug.

"Good! You'll make Hufflepuff a much better Quidditch team!" Madam Hooch says happily.

I was glad someone was so supportive of my flying skills, and even people in my house wished me luck and thanked me for getting house points. I smiled brightly, my future here at Hogwarts looked bright. I was looking forward to what would happen next.

Annnd done! Sorry for the short chapter, I'm camping and we have to be outside be I hope you enjoyed! Peace out my rainbow unicorns! ✌️ ~SlytherinPridefan ❤️

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