Chapter 6: Strolls in the forest

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"So you offered Aurora to stay with us because she is under a curse by an evil fairy. Okay one, you are that fairy and two, the curse is going to happen anyways" Y/n says to Maleficent. Though she was happy that she'd be staying with them, she was worried.

"Yes, exactly that. I need to keep her safe" she says looking out the horizon. Y/n, Diaval, and Maleficent were on a cliff, a spot where Maleficent would always fly off of.

"We have no say in this, do we?" Diaval asks Maleficent, looking at her with pained eyes. She shakes her head in response, earning a growl from Y/n.

"Alright stroll time" Diaval says, looping his arm with hers, pulling her towards the wood, making Y/n smile fondly. During this time, when Y/n got angry, Diaval would always take her on a stroll since it always calmed her down. Y/n's feelings kept growing by each passing day, but so did Diaval's. Both were scared to say anything but Diaval had plans.

What were his plans may you ask?

Well, it's simple actually. He was going to ask her out one of these nights. It may be a tiny bit awkward but he was going to do it. There was to be a meteor shower the next day so he was planning to do it then.

"So, thoughts on everything?" Y/n asks Diaval, not really knowing his feelings about everything.

"Well I get where Maleficent is coming from. I mean love can make you do crazy things. Though the crazy is cute and romantic, mistress is showing it to the point that she'd curse a baby and make the parent never be there" he replies, his accent heavy, bringing a melody sound in the quiet forest air.

"Oh and Y/n?" Diaval asks, turning to face her. She tilts her head to the side and smiles sweetly at him, making Diaval's heart flutter.

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

"Isn't that Aurora's birthday?" she asks, pausing slightly as she thinks about it. The realization hit Diaval like a brick. They'd be incredibly busy. Showing on how much Maleficent truly is starting to care for Aurora, they would have to stop the curse from happening.

"R-Right I forgot that" he says softly, looking down. He'd have to do it another day. But when? Diaval was growing impatient with himself. But he'd just have to wait a little longer.

And then he'd finally get the girl!

The Crow's Love ~ Diaval x readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum