Chapter 2: Diaval

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Maleficent sent Diaval to the castle so that he could get information. He comes back, having some important news.

"They have a baby. A baby girl" Diaval says, panting softly. Maleficent raises her eyebrow before having an emotionless face.

"And they are having a christening" Diaval says, finally breathing normally.

"Oh dear, this can't happen without us, let's go present a gift to that beastly creature"

*time skip*

Maleficent turns me into a wolf while she turns Diaval back into a crow. Diaval gets on her shoulder as I stay by her side as she uses her staff to surround us in a green fog. The green fog moves away and we are suddenly in a room filled with people with dresses and two people on a throne. A baby was in a crib and everyone screamed moving away from us (most likely because of Maleficent)

I wonder that's going to happen.

Hey guys sorry if it's short, I just needed to update.

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