11th Chapter

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Once you all got back to the beach, the rest of the crew swarmed you with various questions, flustering you slightly. You reassured them that you were in no way in danger and that the blood on your face was just an aftermath of you falling, causing you to feel a hint of embarrassment. "Here, you can take this and put it in the Cyclops. Thank you, Marco." You said, giving Marco all your ion cubes, except for one. He had asked you if you needed help and you asked for a simple request which he was happy to grant, a smile on his face at being given the simple task. You wanted to show everyone what Eren found. You then felt a tap on your shoulder, startling you a bit, and turned around to see who it was.

It is Mike, with Hange right behind him looking as excited as always. "We found something!" She practically shouted to the whole planet, catching everyones attention. " What did you find?" I asked with curiosity and slight concern swimming in my voice. "This weird giant diamond shaped thing! It's like a kind of arc but not really. It's hard to describe and I don't know if it's important or anything." Hange said with many emotions on her face, the main ones being curiosity and fascination. "It's most likely nothing Four Eyes. And didn't Erwin tell you not to move from this area?" "Well... Technically where I wondered off to was in the area..."

Their voices soon began fading out as I tried to recall what Hange said about the 'giant diamond shaped arc'. I then gasped loudly in realization, startling Connie and Sasha next to me, and immediately jumped to Hange and grabbed her shoulders. "Take me there!!" I shouted while lightly shaking her shoulders. Everyone remained silent and I backed away with embarrassment, and a blush covering my features while looking at the ground. "I-I mean. I saw something similar while in the alien building. If you take me there, maybe we can find out what these weird diamond shaped arcs are!" I said with more confidence in my voice, looking back at her.

Hange quickly nodded and she began walking, only to be stopped by Levi. "Wait a fucking minute! It's starting to get pitch black right now. We can't leave now or else someone might get hurt and I'm not endangering my cadets for a fucking maybe." Levi said with his emotionless voice that has complete seriousness to it, his eyes glaring at me. "Levi is right. It's getting late, and we shouldn't endanger our soldiers. We should all sleep the night and continue in the morning. How does that sound, (F/n)?" I bite my lip, anxious to find the alien arc. I then sigh and nod my head in Erwins direction in defeat. "I understand. We can continue in the morning. We should stay on dry land though. If you all wet your clothes again, you'll get sick. Plus, you guys won't be able to sleep if you're cold."

I said while already looking around, trying to find a place for everyone to sleep. "Understood. Let's sleep over there." I said pointing to the direction of the large precursor building. "There's no sand here so we should be able to sleep a little comfortably." I said while walking over to where I pointed at and laid down. "Won't you be cold? You're wearing nothing but a tight suit." Jean asked curiously, to which I replied casually. "This is a Reinforced Dive Suit so it keeps my body heat normal in extreme temperatures, so this is nothing." Soon after, everyone picked their resting spots and fell asleep. I laid in my spot while looking at the stars and planets in the sky. 'I wonder what those diamond arcs are?'

Time skip

I stretch out my body with a big yawn and greeted everyone a good morning. I then jump into the water to get to my submarine as we all agreed that I'd go get other fruits and water from the sub for everyone to eat. Once the uneventful breakfast is over, me, Hange, and Mike all hike up the mountain to get where Hange made her discovery. "Be careful! And be back before nightfall!" We heard Erwin say as well got further and further away. I jumped back in surprise when Mike took a big sniff from my neck, almost stumbling down the hill. "W-what was that for?!" I said completely weirded out. "He does that to everyone. I was just wondering when he would sniff you." Hange said with a laugh as we all entered a cave.

"Ah..." Weirded out, we countinue walking till the cave got really dark. "You guys went through here in the dark? You could've gotten hurt." I said with a concerned frown, my eyeborws scrunching together in my expression. I took out my Sea Glide and turned the light on. "We came out fine so in the end no one got hurt!" Hange said with a cheerful expression. We took a few more turns, still walking up the mountain until we began seeing alien tech sticking out of the ground in an erie fashion. "This is it! This is exactly what I saw back at the Precursor building!!" I shouted while running up to the large arc, intrigued by the find.

I looked around noticing something square ish sticking of the ground, I tilted my head in curiosity. As I got closer, it opened up and I once again, jumped back in surprise, my heart receiving a jolt. I felt a weird tug in my inventory and opened it only to see my tools, water, and the Ion Cube I kept. "What's that?" Mike asked while looking over my shoulder. "It's an Ion Cube I found while I was in the building. Look! The Ion Cube is getting pulled towards this weird box thing!" I said in amazement as I finally let go of the cube, watching it get sucked into the box like object. I then looked forward, my eyes widening in disbelief as the space inside the arc turned a glowing green.

"No fucking way..." Not believing my eyes I looked back at the others and shouted. "Are You Seeing What I'm Seeing?!?" They both nodded with shocked looks on their faces. "IT'S A PORTAL!!!" I screamed in fascination with eyes as wide as plates. "Told ya it was important." Hange smiled smugly while nudging Mike's arm with her elbow, to which he rolled his eyes albeit still quite shocked.

(This was sooooo boringwhen i wrote the draft! I had ran out of brain juice!!! Hopefully ShyLittleMarshmallow made it less boring for yooouu!!! She did an incredibly amazing job editing this, so thank yoooouuuu!!! I did add in edits so now it's over the maximum limit haha! Until next week, Baiii!!)

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