33rd Chapter

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My eye twitched as Hange proceeded to squeal like a fangirl. Armin was smiling brightly whilst Hange showed him all the things she found interesting on her PDA. He undoubtedly read all there was to offer but was still happy to talk about them with someone just as eager.

"Tch. Are we almost at the fucking shallows yet?" Levi asked, sick of Hange's shit already. Letting out a sigh, I momentarily glanced at his face reflected in the glass.

"Almost. Just a bit further." I answered, keeping my eyes in front of me so as to not accidentally bump into anything that could damage the Cyclops.

As we passed through the Kelp Forest, I brought the Cyclops around and turned off the engine. Stepping back from the wheel, I turned around and walked over to the others. "Alright. Hange, Mike, Sasha, and Mikasa, get your helmets on and make sure you have everything with you."

Hange immediately took her glasses off and put them in her inventory before sliding her helmet on. Mike and the two females did the same before turning their attention to me.

"Remember what you're looking for," I said, grabbing my PDA and showing them the images of Shale and Sandstone Outcrops.

"Your targets are these and you will be looking for both Lead and Lithium. Don't get into trouble and stay away from Stalkers, Crashfish and Gasopods." With firm nods from the group, I reluctantly let them exit the Cyclops. I grabbed Mikasa's arm before last minute, biting my lip in worry.

"If anything happens, and I mean anything, contact me using your PDA. I will stop whatever it is I'm doing to come and get you guys." My brows furrowed in worry as I watched Mikasa's emotions through her helmet. With a firm nod, I let her exit the Cyclops as well, sighing as I did so. Feeling a gentle hand on my shoulder, I turn around and look up at Marco.

"They'll be fine." He said, aiming a small smile my way. I gave him a half-hearted smile in return and nodded.

"I hope so." I then made my way back to the cockpit and grabbed the wheel. "Let's get a move on, shall we? We're wasting light and I don't want to be out here when it gets dark." I brought up the cameras to make sure all four of them were facing away from the Cyclops before pushing the wheel forward towards the location of the Bulb Zone.

"What do you think we'll find there?" I heard Armin ask as he walked up beside me and looked out at the ocean. I stood there in silence for a moment, trying to think of a reasonable answer to give him.

"I don't know. It's a biome close to my old ship, so who knows if it was affected by the radiation in any way?" My mind suddenly brought up the image of the Reaper and the one moment I felt like I wasn't going to make it out alive. I brought my hand to my arm where I had been bitten and felt my grip tighten on the wheel as I thought about it before I heard Armin cleared his throat.

"Well, uh, all I can say, is I hope we find something amazing while we're out here. This world is so drastically different compared to our own, but it's amazing and beautiful in its own way." I froze for a moment, looking at him as he finished speaking. Armin then looked back at me with a raised a brow.

"Is something the matter? Did I say something wrong?" I shook my head, giving him a faint smile.

"Not at all... It's just, you reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago. That's all." I stated, turning my attention back to the ocean and slowing my speed as soon as the water began turning dark. I turned the submarine to the left and kept low to the seabed to avoid unwanted attention.

I didn't want another run-in with a Reaper again. Even if it was the same one that I had blinded, I still wanted no part of it. At my thinking, I thought it'd be wise to remind everyone of the potential danger we'll face.

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