3rd Chapter

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(This has been edited)

I cursed again under my breath hearing sounds from directly above me. I grab my Stasis Rifle and moved my way with light steps towards the Cockpit of the submarine vessel. I soon hid behind the doorway to the cockpit and stole glances at the odd-looking people. I saw a rather short black-haired male holding onto the collar of a taller brown-haired woman. I gasped in shock, immediately blowing my cover, from seeing actual human beings for the first time in weeks.

The black-haired male turns around and catches my gaze looking at me from top to bottom. He begins to try and say something before the brown-haired lady begins babbling out questions. Already annoyed by her loudmouth, I shoot my Stasis Rifle at the crazy looking woman and then point my Rifle at the pint-sized midget. I harden my glare at him, even though it feels great seeing another human being, I have to stay cautious at all times. I see his cold grey eyes flicker behind me for a split two seconds and then avert back to me. Before I got the chance to turn around, he asked me a question.

"What is that?" He asks, pointing to my Stasis Rifle. I harden my glare at the sound of his voice. I can already tell he's an absolute asshole. I suddenly feel strong arms wrap around my neck, causing my heart to beat faster than it already is. I yell in shock, dropping my Rifle while placing my hands on the stranger's arms trying to pry them off of me. I quickly grab onto the man's arms, bending myself forward and effectively flip him over me as the black-haired man throws my rifle to the other side of the cockpit.

As the short male begins to turn around, I run over to him swinging my arm up, sucker punching him in the face. He stumbles and falls onto his back, groaning in pain. I quickly duck dodging a punch the blonde man tried swinging at me. I then get distracted by the brunette woman who is now unfrozen, yelling sentences like, "Come On Erwin! Even Your Eyebrows Can Do Better Than That!" And, "Come On Levi Don't Be A Weak Short Stack!!" Paying the price for getting distracted, I earn a punch to the face by the man I assume as Levi and a kick to the stomach by the man I assume as Erwin. Not wanting to back down, I jump up and quickly dodge away from the two males. I then take out my Stasis Rifle that I managed to pick up during the fight amd aim it at the two.

I smirk at the faces the two males make at the sight of my Stasis Rifle. Before I managed to shoot, I'm tackled to the ground by a very heavy person dropping my Rifle again in the process. I mentally curse at my defeat. I hear the brown-haired woman shout. "Great job Mike!!" Assuming the person who tackled me is a male and is named Mike, I sigh to myself clearly upset that I've been beaten by two men and a pint-sized midget. Groaning out in pain, the heavy man finally gets off of me. I sigh quietly in relief as the pressure is lifted off of my body. 'That guy is heavy as fuck!' I thought to myself, adrenaline soon pumping through me even more.

The heavy male I assume as Mike, gripped my arm making sure I wouldn't get away. The tall male hands me over to the short male named Levi. He immediately kicks my legs right from under me making me kneel on the ground. "Alright, let's make this easy. Either we do this the hard way, or the easy way, your fucking choice. Now start explaining. Where the fuck are we, brat?" Levi said in a menacing voice, venom lacing his words. I gulped nervously knowing I'll most likely get beaten up by this guy.


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