Valentine's Special

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Levi groaned as his eyes slowly opened to reveal his sleeping girlfriend. He sighed while rubbing his tired eyes and slowly sat up in bed. Levi knows (F/n) to be a rather heavy sleeper yet still he’s careful with his movements as he gets out of bed. The sun has yet to rise from the other side of the planet which means Levi hasn’t gotten much sleep again. The short male glanced over at his sleeping lover and unconsciously smiled.

He stretched his limbs until he felt satisfied and made his way into the kitchen downstairs. He was feeling rather upbeat and decided that he would make (F/n) a cup of coffee/tea. When he got to the kitchen, he started grabbing the ingredients he would need to make coffee/tea. He immediately stopped what he was doing once he noticed the dishes from the night before were still piled in the sink.

He felt his eye twitch before calmly placing the ingredients back and decided to head upstairs to try and get more sleep. Levi wasn't about to let her go about not doing the dishes so he decided to play a little prank on her. Sure it’s childish, but he really dislikes it when (F/n) skips out on chores.

Before he headed back to bed٫ he grabbed the salt jar and an empty cup and poured out the salt until it was empty. He then placed the sugar in the salt jar until it was empty and vice versa. Once he finished, he placed both jars in their rightful place by the coffee/tea maker and turned off the lights. He walked back upstairs and climbed into bed, laying down in an attempt to get more rest.

(F/n)'s PoV

My eyes slowly opened as I yawned and sat up, stretching while the sun-rays shone through the window. I groaned, blocking the sunlight with my hand before standing and walking towards the bathroom. After I finished my business in the bathroom, I made my way downstairs where I saw Levi sitting at the kitchen table drinking his usual cup of tea. 

"Morning, Levi." I yawned as I walked in and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning," He said back in his usual nonchalant tone before taking another sip of his tea.

 I walked over to the coffee/tea maker on the counter and turned it on. I placed my mug under the dispenser and added my usual blend for my morning drink. I leaned against the counter waiting for my beverage and yawned again, covering my mouth as I did so. 

"So, did you get any sleep last night?" I questioned, knowing how little sleep he gets due to insomnia. Levi looked up at me, placing his cup on the table. 

"Yeah, I managed to get a few hours of sleep this time."

'beep beep'

I looked over at the coffee/tea maker as it when off and grabbed my mug. I shut the machine off and opened the sugar jar and grabbed a spoon. I then started adding my usual amount of sugar to my hot drink. I put the lid back on the jar and walked over to the table and sat down next to Levi. Blowing on my drink, I took a sip after a few seconds and nearly gagged as a foul taste hit my tongue.

Looking over at Levi, I could see him holding back a smile as he sipped on his tea and looked in the opposite direction. He glanced back at me and placed his head on the table, his body trembling as he tried to hold back his chuckles. He looked back up at me after a moment and with a glare I sent his way, I chugged the rest of my beverage, thankful it cooled down enough to drink.

He then lost it, and burst into chuckles. He snickered as he watched me stand from my seat and placed the empty mug into the sink with a disgusted look on my face.

"Don't forget to do your chores next time and I won't have to punish you, brat." That was all he said while watching me walk upstairs before slamming the door to the bathroom shut.

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