8th Chapter

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(This has been edited)

Eren's PoV

I look over at (F/n) sitting in the water. She's hugging her knees to her chest as she rocks slowly back and forth from the waves. We've been here for about 25 minutes and she hasn't moved from her spot since she ran there. I look over towards Armin and Mikasa in slight agitation as they look at me in worry. I'm worried too since now we have no idea how to get home. Commander Erwin, Captain Levi, and Squad Leader Hange have gone into the Cyclops probably to discuss what our next actions should be. I got up with a frustrated grunt and headed towards (F/n), my steps taking extra effort due to the sand all over the ground.

Once I reached her I sat down next to her in the water. The water feels nice and strangely soothing though I really don't like soggy socks and boots. "Hey, I know how you feel to lose people." I started off, not completely sure how to approach her. "Honestly, I've lost more people than you, in a more horrid way. Don't you think you're overreacting? About people, you barely know? I get that you're upset about not being able to go home, but so am I." I said, feeling angry and beyond confused about the current situation I'm in.

"But why does it matter that you lost more in worse ways? Should my pain suddenly vanish?" She said, giving me a moment to think before continuing, briefly looking me in the eyes before turning her gaze to the distant waves. "If you have a broken arm but someone next to you is in a full-body cast, the pain in your arm doesn't just go away." Despite seeing the truth in her words, my chest puffs up again, as it is so used to doing, and my face contorted in my rising anger.

"That's not the point! Why are you being so sensitive!? You're here, crying, about some people who you never even met! Is anyone else doing that? No! We're sitting around, waiting for you to become capable of helping us!" Her eyes showed a twinge of pain at my verbal onslaught, causing a wave of guilt to momentarily flood my system, and I turn away to stare at the horizon.

"I've lost a lot." I began, "My mom was devoured by a man-eating Titan the day Wall Maria fell, right in front of my eyes. I was helpless as she reached out to me from the hand of that monster. I saw the desperation along with tears in her eyes in her last moments, and then I saw it flood out as her last moment ended. I haven't seen my father since he was no comfort to me, and for all I know, he's dead too. Since then I've vowed to demolish titans from the Earth. I've lost so many friends and comrades as a soldier, I've witnessed far too many of their deaths. It feels like it's for nothing like their life and death were in vain. I just have to keep telling myself it's not." My voice cracks before I clear it, trying not to remember too much.

I realize how weak I sound and I become embarrassed, slight heat rising to my cheeks. Yet, I feel better now. Though I'm frustrated at my embarrassment, I feel relieved that I've said what I said. "My past probably isn't as bad as yours, and I know I sound crazy, but I think I'd rather live in your world than live in the world that I grew up with." She does sound extremely crazy. Did she not hear what I said about the Titans? My thinking was cut off when she started speaking again.

"I grew up in a perfect home with a perfect family. Except my life was billions of miles away from being perfect. Every day I'd wake up, brush my teeth, make my own breakfast, do my chores, do my homework, and take a shower, all by myself. I was five." She started off with. I became confused as to why she'd do this by herself at such a young age. "I was born a big mistake. I was an accident caused by my two parents who never wanted me. They never gave me up to adoption like they wanted to because they were always afraid that it will "Ruin their reputation." She said with a sad and hurt look in her (E/c) eyes.

"They never did anything to hurt me, physically I mean. My parents and siblings always ignored me even when I really needed their help. I broke my arm once, I told them that it was obviously broken but they completely dismissed that fact until they got a call from my school saying that my arm is turning purple and is clearly bent. They of course said that they had no idea and that I never said anything about it to them." (F/n) told me, letting out a humorless laugh with pain-filled eyes. "I got an award for Chemistry in ninth grade and when I told them, they didn't even bat an eye at me, but when my siblings got an award for Physical Science in ninth grade they were overcome with absolute joy. I cried myself to sleep that night."

"That wasn't even the half of it. I'd get bullied at school. Pushed around physically and mentally. I didn't have any friends. Nobody loved me or even cared that I existed. Not even the teachers whose classes I'd do extremely well in." She scoffed with an irritated face as she clenched her fists. "They say every life is precious, but nobody cares about mine." (If you get that reference, I love you.) "I care about yours. Even if I don't know you all that well I care." I said, trying to give her one of my best smiles, but it just came out filled with pity. She looks to me, with her dull empty eyes, reliving her past.

"All I ever wanted, was to have someone, anyone, care about me. Even if it was just a little bit. I even got so sad and felt so hopeless that I had thoughts about ending it all..." She said letting out a hoarse laugh, filled with bitterness as tears slipped out. "At least you had a family that cared, at least you had friends that cared, a-at least you were l-loved!" She finally got out those last few words as a sob racked through her body. She covered her mouth and slightly hunched over as more sobs came out. I just sat there, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say. I know the others are watching me, I can feel their stares.

After she had managed to calmed down, she continued to talk. "I-I'm sorry. I'm such a baby, aren't I? You must think I'm insane, huh?" She gave out an empty laugh. "I actually don't. Your life was bad, it still is considering your hard work brought you here. Stuck on a water-covered rock, with no way of getting off. It doesn't matter whose life was worse, now that I think about it. We can't keep living in the past. I know that for sure, that we have to keep moving forward, or else we'll never get anywhere." I told her, as I looked at her tear-stained face. I sighed heavily as I continued talking.

"You don't have to help us right away. You obviously need time to grieve. We will wait, but you have to promise to help us, and we'll all help you in any we can. So we can all go home." I finished off as I looked at her with a genuine smile. I became surprised when she leaped into my arms, giving me a tight hug and softly whispering in my ear. "Thank you, Eren." I hummed in response, helping her stand after a while of sitting. "I really needed that talk. I know we've both been through bad things, but I know now I have to move forward, for all of us." She said this with a determined smile.

"So, maybe the first step in doing that is going in there." She said, pointing to the weird-looking building. I look towards the bottom of the alien tech and see an entrance. "What is that?" I asked, becoming nervous. "I don't know. We should find out." She told me while not taking her eyes off the entrance of the building. I sighed to myself, already knowing today is going to be a really long day. 'I just hope nothing bad happens.' I thought, ignoring the knots beginning to form inside my stomach.

(Special thanks to ShyLittleMarshmallow!! She helped me with Eren's dialogue which she did a great job on. So thank yooouuuuuu!! Anyways, until next time, Bai!)

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