36th Chapter

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I lifted my head from my desk after feeling someone jostle me awake. I released a soft groan and rubbed my tired eyes before looking up at the person who woke me.

“There she is~ Good morning, sleepyhead,” Hange spoke softly, her face too close to mine for comfort. 

I let out a yawn before sitting up and stretching my arms above my head. “What time is it?” I asked tiredly before I was silently shushed by the crazy brunette.

“Keep it down, Shorty is still asleep.” She said, pointing at his sleeping form that was wrapped up in blankets. “And it’s early enough that you need to get up. If we’re getting any exploring done, that is. Best to get a head start, yeah?”

I nodded and slowly stood from my chair and silently grabbed my PDA before following her to the ladder. I then stopped in my tracks, a small realization hitting me. "Wait, who said you could come into my room? Didn't I tell you guys at our first meeting to only come into my room during emergencies?" I questioned, an eyebrow slightly raised.

Hange nervously laughed with her head peeking just above the ladder leading to the second and first floor. "See you in the Dining Room!" She shouted before quickly sliding back down the ladder and running off. Levi then stirred in his sleep, soon rolling over and looking towards me.

"Who the fuck was yelling so damn loudly?" Levi grumbled, obviously pissed off that his sleep was interrupted by someone's loudness. "Don't worry about it. I'm going to go downstairs to the dining room and get you some breakfast before heading out. In the meantime, try to get some more rest. I'll see ya in a bit." I said with a sorry smile before heading down the ladder.

After making my way towards the dining room, I'm immediately greeted by Erwin. "Good morning, (F/n). I hope both you and Levi had a peaceful night's sleep. Hange told me that Levi slept in your bedroom so I hope he wasn't too much of a handful." Erwin said with a half-hearted smile to which I smiled back.

"Thank you, Erwin. He was pretty stubborn with not wanting to be bedridden but I handled him. I'm just going to get some breakfast for both me and Levi before getting ready to head out." I stated with a tired smile. "Speaking of heading out, I received and reviewed the notes you sent me last night and I wanted to know if you've alerted Mike and the cadets that are going with you yet?" He questioned.

"I have sent both Mike and the others a message through their PDA's alerting them of the task at hand for today. If they have yet to read their message, I’ll be alerting them right after I grab breakfast which would give them at least 30 minutes to prepare." I said with a smile as Erwin followed me to one of the grow beds.

After ending the conversation with Erwin, we both bid each other farewell and carried on with our morning. I went ahead and grabbed some water bottles along with some decent-looking fish for the picky sick baby and some fruit for myself. After I grab the food, I alert the others of the mission and soon leave. 

"Good morning, Levi!" I shout as I finally manage to climb up the ladder with the food in hand. "Tch, I'm not speaking to you unless you've brought tea," Levi said while still being covered up in the blankets. "Awe, come on. Don't be like that. You know we don't have tea."

I take a seat at the foot of the bed, much to Levi's dismay, and begin taking out the food I grabbed from the first floor. "I know the fish freak you out but you really need the protein if you wanna get better quickly. So, I brought you the least freakiest looking fish I could find. So eat it." I said sternly, placing the cooked fish along with some napkins in his hands. 

I then grabbed three bottles of water and placed them on the side of the bed. Levi reluctantly started eating his food as I took the time to begin eating mine. We sat there in blissful silence as we ate before I spoke up. “So, while I’m gone, I want you to stay in bed. I don’t want you up and walking around until you’re better--” I was cut off briefly by his signature ‘tch’ before I continued. ‌

“--The ONLY exception is to use the bathroom. Erwin and Hange are responsible for your well-being until I get back. Alright?” I asked, standing up with my trash and held out my hand to take his.

He sat there for a moment, just watching me before he let out a tired and defeated sigh. “Fine.” He responded with a slight attitude as he handed me his trash and laid back down. He pulled the cover back over his body and turned onto his side to face away from the ladder and myself.

I frowned a small bit at his actions but brushed it off. ‘He’s probably just moody because of his cold. I hope I didn’t upset him.’ I walked out of the room and carefully made my way down the ladder and back into the dining room. I tossed the remnants of Levi and I’s leftovers and returned to my room one final time to grab everything I’d need for the trip.

Levi still remained facing away from me and didn’t even bother to turn and see who had walked in the door. I watched him for a moment in silence, then grabbed my PDA, helmet and put on my O2 tank. I adjusted the tank and made sure it sat right on my back and put my helmet on. I attached the tank pipe to my helmet so I could breathe and made a start for the door.

I gave Levi one last glance and saw he had turned to watch me before quickly looking away. That small little action actually made me smile a little. “See you when we get back…” He waved me off as I began my descent down the ladder and to the first floor.

Before heading out to the Cyclops, I made sure Mike and the others were ready to go. I quickly adjusted Eren’s O2 tank and made sure he put his helmet on properly before doing the same with Marco's O2 tank. 

We said goodbye to everyone before we left and boarded the Cyclops. We removed our helmets once on board and climbed up to the bridge. “Alright, everyone, here’s the drill. We go to the Dunes, we check it out, and try to find as much as possible. While we are out there, we are to stay together. Like last time, when we are not in the Cyclops, watch your oxygen and be aware of your surroundings. The last thing I need on my conscience is one of you dead because of negligence. Does everyone understand?” I asked with a commanding tone to my voice.

They all gave me nods and decided to do their own thing before we got to the Dunes. The peaceful silence in the cyclops gave me time to think about things.

After a few moments of smooth driving, the voice from our PDAs came through. What it said was enough to make me stop the Cyclops, but not enough to make me turn around. I stared out the glass hull towards the murky area ahead of us, a sinking feeling beginning to form in my gut.

‘Detecting multiple leviathan class life forms in the region. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it?’

A shiver raced down my spine as my heart began thumping against my chest. Turning around towards the others only made more nerves bubble into my throat as I noticed the disturbed looks on everyone's faces. With cold sweat on my features, I refocused my eyes in front of me and pushed on.

I soon turned on the outside ship lights while turning off those inside to be able to get a better view of what’s in front of the Cyclops.. "Start getting ready. We're here..." 

(Heeeeyyyy guuuyyysss. It's been a very long time since the last time we've published a chapter. How long has it been? 6 months? It feels like it's been a year. I feel bad leaving you all hanging like this. I'll try to be more active but I can't promise much since I'm in my senior year of highschool and have a part time job. Not to mention after school clubs. Me and Ghastly will try to work on the next chapter this weekend but no promises. Hopefully I'll get to write to you all again ;-;)

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