Thoughts in the dark

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you okay?" I said as I stood in the doorway of her bedroom. She probably already knew that I was there, and maybe even why too. "Hmm... yeah." "You didn't look fine." She looked up at me from her bed, "Well... we were discussing a funeral, you weren't too happy either." "Believe me, I know that. However, most of that is confusion." "Yeah, I know," she sighed, "I'm confused too." I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her, "What are you confused about?" "Banner..." "Huh?" "Well... you know... the last time he saw me... he was kinda okay with me... in Wakanda. But before that... He hated me, Nat. He might have been okay with me helping in Sokovia and all... but he hated me." "That's-," "Don't say that it's not true, because you know that it is." "I wasn't about to say that." I sighed, "Look, I know he didn't like you, that much was clear. But he was okay with you being on the team... which meant that he trusted your motives... that he thought you could make a difference. I know that might not seem like much... but after angering him so much that Bruce... that Bruce was actually angry at you and not just the Hulk... that is actually quite a lot. Yes, he might have disliked you... but he knew you could make a change... and he fought for you too... Wanda." "you think? You think he'd be okay with me being at his funeral and all?" "I think he'd be good with that. I know it sounds weird, but staying angry isn't really Bruce's thing." Wanda smiled, "That does sound weird." "I mean he's not the kind of person to keep a grudge against someone." "I know what you mean." "Good." "Thanks Nat..." "You're welcome."

"So... about last night... you and Steve..." "Wanda..." "You danced." "So?" "That's very special for him." "How do you know that?" "I can read minds." "Oh.. right..." Yeah, right indeed." I shook my head slowly, "Anyway... we just danced." "You laid your head on his chest." "I was tired." "No you weren't. You like him, I know. Don't try to hide it, Nat." "I'm not hiding anything..." "Nat..." I sighed, "Fine..." "Good Natasha." "How about your dance with Bucky?" "Well... we don't know each other that well... we talked a lot during that stupid week at court though... about being experimented on by Hydra..." "Sounds like you had some lovely chats." "Yeah, we actually did... you know... when we drifted off to other subjects." "That does sound better than your dreary Hydra pasts, yes." "Definitely." "So... you think he's a nice guy?" "Stop sounding so suggestive... I don't know yet, okay? I still don't know him very well." "Hmmm... so we'll see, I guess." "Yeah, we'll see."

"Hey, Wanda, what did you think of Sam and Maria?" "You should have seen them in the Soul World. Sam kinda followed her around, trying to help her bring some order to that place." Are you telling me he followed her like a puppy?" "Well... he tried to stay away from Bucky a bit... so he followed her around and they became friends... and then he kinda started to flirt with her..." "Of course he did... you should have seen him stare the first time they met..." I think she read my mind, because she started to smile. "And he just kept stealing glances at her..." "Wow," she was grinning widely now. "That's great, huh?" "So, Sam's definitely has a crush on Maria." "I think it's more than a crush..." "That would be great." "Yeah, I just wonder if she likes him." "I think she does... she kinda asked him out... for a movie night on the couch." "Oh really?" "Yeah, really." "Wanda, you know it's rude to read someone's mind without permission... right?" She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, yeah. I know." "I mean... it's interesting this time... but, one day you might hear something you don't like." "I kno-how."


"So... what's gonna happen now, huh?" I asked Natasha. "Right now? I don't know... I know that we're going to arrange a funeral for Bruce... something small, he would have liked that better than something big... Then... I don't know... we might stay here... wait for Thanos to come and find us... I don't think anybody feels like going on another trip to space." "I almost forgot you guys went to space. What's it like?" "It's no fun, I can tell you that." "I believe you." "Anyway, that's what's going to happen now... or at least in a short time span, but right now? Who knows?" "Do you have to get all weird over such a simple question?" "Sometimes I do." I sighed, "Of course." "What?" "You're just..." "Weird?" She suggested. "Yeah, a bit." "Says you, Scarlet Witch, mind reader who can manipulate smoke and stuff." "That's another kind of weird." "You're weird in more ways then, you're also weird in the same way as me." "That happens when you hang around with a bunch of weirdos." "You sure you weren't weird before?" "Well, I had Pietro. Also, Maria is getting weirder... a little bit." "Nah, she's just starting to show it more. She's beginning to feel more relaxed around us." "That's a good thing I guess." "Yeah, it is." "How about those S.H.I.E.L.D. people though?" "They have Phil." "You say that like it explains everything." "Phil is weird. Fun, but weird." "And the others?" "I know Melinda pretty well, good enough to have permission to call her Melinda. I know Bobbi a bit and I've heard about Hunter. I have met Mack once when my motorcycle broke down... and FitzSimmons... well... I have heard of them." "And Quake?" "Never met her before."

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