32 | The Detention Center

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    Griver and another boy tried to restrain Kael. He managed to kick another approaching Noble Monarch in the face before they finally had him immobilised.

    "Stop it, Roder!" Kael yelled, jerking his arms in an attempt to escape. "Aren't you tired of this?"

    Roder's eyes reminded Kael of a snake. Cold, predatory, emotionless. "Tired? Why, Kael, I'm just having fun."

    He charged forward like a bull, ready to ram into Kael with his shoulder. For the first time, Kael's mouth dried in fear of Roder. He had never been scared of the bigger boy, but now, a cold fist clenched his heart at the prospect of breaking his ribs from the sheer momentum and weight behind Roder's form.

    Then, Griver crumpled to the floor in a heap, clutching his head and groaning in pain. Kael didn't have time to think about why. Roder's momentum was sure to hit him if he didn't move. With all his strength, Kael pulled the other boy clutching his arm, who was too surprised by his friend's fall to resist. Kael jumped back just in time as Roder crashed into his own friend, sending them both sprawling to the ground with pained groans.

    "Raikon, you idiot," Roder said, getting up and rubbing his head.

    "Griver," Raikon groaned. "He let go."

    "A good thing, too," a deep voice made everyone freeze. "Or you would have severely hurt the boy."

    All eyes — except Griver's — turned to look at the direction the voice had come from. Kael gulped at the sight of the man he had run into when he first made his way to the infirmary standing before him with a disapproving scowl. He struggled to place a name to his face until he remembered Darron mentioning he was related to Nox.

    Lux! Kael recalled.

    Defiant, Roder stood in a proud stance. "We were just playing, weren't we?"

    Kael almost snorted as the others agreed in quiet mumbles.

    Lux shook his head. "Not from what I can tell. All of you are in big trouble. Follow me. I'll take you to the detention center."

    "We can't —" The idle boy who spoke up shut his mouth at Lux's glare. He turned away guiltily.

    "Don't make me call a constable," Lux warned, twirling his dagger around his finger. He slipped the weapon under his sleeve, where a slight bump indicated a sheath strapped to his arm. He walked forward and picked up Griver by the leg. "All of you, come with me. If any of you tries anything funny, I'll put you down like him."

    Without even caring whether Griver was okay, Lux dragged him along the hallway. The students exchanged uncertain looks before hurriedly following. Roder glared at Kael.

    "We'll finish this one day," he said. "And you'll regret ever coming into my life."

    He caught up with his friends, and Kael trailed behind, trying to figure out why Roder was so angry at him. The group stayed in guilty silence, and Lux peered over his shoulder once in a while to make sure everyone involved was following him.

    Kael caught Lux's eye several times but always looked away. He didn't know why he was feeling so guilty. He hadn't done anything wrong. Except maybe skipping class.

    Eventually, they reached the detention center, which was a small building near the administration building. It had a curved front, like part of a cylinder, with large windows overlooking the garden and two doors on either side of the curve. Lux took the students through an opening, nodding at the guards standing outside. They watched the five students walk inside with curious eyes and paid particular attention to Griver's limp body dragging behind Lux.

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