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"Alright. I think this is the last of it"Alex says as he places my night stand lamp on the back seat of my moms car. "Thanks" I say giving Alex a smile. Alex shuts the car door and stands in front of me. I know a goodbye speech is coming.

"I love you"Alex says as he grabbed my hands,locking our fingers together. I just stood like an idiot and admiring his face. "I love you too"I say as I stand on my tippy toes and give Alex a kiss on the cheek. "You know what's crazy?"I rhetorically ask. "On my first day you helped me bring my luggage in,now it's my last day and you're helping me bring my luggage out"I remind. We both giggle at the truth and going in for a kiss. After a few seconds Alex and I let go and hug. "I'm going to miss you so much"I say. "We'll see each other again. I promise I'll come see you as soon as classes are over"Alex says. We let go of our hug and I make my way towards Jessie.

"I don't need a speech. Just hug me"Jessie says stretching her arms out wide. I rush in and hug Jessie. All I could hear was her sniffing her tears. "I love you and I'm sorry for every situation I put you through"I whisper into Jessie's ear. "I love you too"Jessie says in return. Jessie and I let go and I walk to the passenger side door. "I love you guys. Tell Gabbie I said bye"I demanded giving both Jessie and Alex a smile.

I get into the car and begin to adjust my seatbelt. "Road trip!"Aby yells out. I grunt at her remark in frustration. "Why the grunt?"My mom asks. "Because Aby talks to much"I say throwing a stuffed animal at Aby in the back seat. We both laughed. "Hey,when we get home,we should have a girls night or something" Aby suggested. "That's probably the best idea you've ever had since you were born"I joke. "Alright,you guys buckled? This is going to be a long ride"my mom says.

My mom begins to drive off and Jessie and Alex just wave. I wave back until I couldn't see them anymore,and that's when I realized - this is it ,I'm out of here,I'm free.

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