Episode 6: Agony And Tears (Part 1)

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Gaster: Are we all ready?

Chara: Yeah... we can only anticipate, I mean.

Sans: It'll be fine, kid. We'll defeat him. 

Frisk: Are you sure about this?

Betty: ...Yeah. 

Alphys: I really hope that we'll be able to defeat him. 

Mettaton: We have to. For this city. And for the ones we've already lost...

Ronan: Yeah, we all have people to avenge here. In fact, Rave even tried to take Levine on by himself and he was killed, too. 

Jessica: Well... *stands up* We're not only doing this to avenge everyone. We need to do it to save the timeline. 

Papyrus: Don't worry. If we keep our hopes up, I'm sure that we'll be able to win!

Toriel: We must stay determined.

Asgore: ...Are they ready yet?

Asriel: They should be any minute now...

(Meanwhile, Betty, Sans, Gaster, Frisk, and Chara are preparing to fight Levine in another room... by fighting each other.)

Sans: (while fighting Frisk) Are we ready? 

Frisk: (while fighting Sans) I'm sure. In fact, I bet the others are already waiting on us. 

Gaster: Chara, you're holding back. 

Chara: (while fighting Betty) Well, it's not like I wanna hurt her!

Betty: You're not going to hurt me. Don't worry. 

Jessica: (in the other room) Guys! Are you ready?

Betty: *looks towards everyone else* Are we?

(Everyone nods. Later, Betty leads Gaster, Sans, Chara, Frisk, Papyrus, Asriel, Toriel, Asgore, Jessica, Ronan, Mettaton, and Alphys to the arena, where Levine agreed to meet up earlier that day. When the group reaches the arena, Levine is standing in front of them.)

Levine: ...Good. You kept the deal. 

Betty: Why'd you think I wouldn't.

Levine: Tch. You've been so apathetic from how hopeless things have been getting because of me. You've become so unpredictable now. 

Betty: Oh, have I. 

Levine: Try to defeat me. You won't be able to. You never will. 

Betty: I can promise you something... (turns to HATE) I'm going to kill you. 

Levine: It won't restore the balance. I promise you. 

(After a while of fighting, the group nearly overpowers Levine, taking his surprise from Betty controlling the HATE as an advantage, and Betty continuously uses her hallucination ability on Levine, as well as dishing out attacks from the other 6 traits she had.)

Levine: No... I CAN'T LOSE NOW!!!

(Levine then uses his full power, unleashing a Wave Of Pain that attacks the entire group, all their souls surrounded by a brown aura, which glows brightly, showing Levine's power level.)

Levine: Haha... I told you. You'll never defeat me. 

Sans: Welp... *groans in pain* ha... we tried. 

Chara: Comedian- *groans in pain* stop being a pessimist... we're- *coughs* going to get through this...

Frisk: Forget it... it's... over... 

(The souls of all the monsters in the group begin to crack - and Betty notices.)

Betty: No... 

(Suddenly, the emotional pain from Betty overloads Levine's soul, causing him to cease his attack. The top of his soul turns grey, and Betty knows this is her chance to attack. She summons a HATE sword, subdues Levine, and then holds the sword against his neck.)

Betty: It's. Game. Over. 

Levine: (blood dripping from his mouth) Ugh... No. It isn't. 

(Levine pulls out his halberd and stabs Betty through her chest, her soul coming out on the tip of the halberd, cracking and about to shatter.)

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