Yellow Eyes and Forgiveness

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Bruce had grown accustomed over the years to sitting at bedsides for long periods of time. He sat in a chair beside Dick's bed, cowl down and his fingers laced together under his chin. He had been here for a little over an hour. Wally hadn't given Dick a large amount of the drug, so he shouldn't sleep for long.

Even as Bruce thought this, Dick began to stir. He raised a hand to his eyes and rubbed them. Even when he was little, sedatives had made him groggy and disoriented when he awoke. He clumsily rubbed at his face with his hand for a while and then tried to sit up. Bruce rose from the chair and assisted, not wanting him to put too much weight on his injured arm.

'It's alright. You're in Mount Justice med-bay. Wally gave you a little sedative to help you sleep.' Explained Bruce. He waited for Dicks confused expression to become one of realisation. 'How are you feeling?'

Dick took a moment to consider the question. 'Pretty damn stupid.' He whispered.

'Dick, nothing that happened was your fault.' Bruce paused, considering his next words. 'And it wasn't Joey's either.'

Dick's eyes shot up and met his. Bruce explained what had happened when he and Manhunter had interrogated Jericho. Joey had told nothing but the truth. The truth being that he had no idea Dick was Nightwing and the only reason he had been working with his father in the first place was to protect Dick from the assassin. Bruce also explained, gently, that it had been Joey and his sister who had saved him from Deathstroke when he had been taken.

Dick looked at him in disbelief. 'The argument Joey mentioned over dinner...the reason he and his father stopped speaking. It was that night, wasn't it? The person he sided with over Deathstroke was me.'

Bruce nodded. 'That's why I released him.'

'You what?"

'Dick, if I locked away every person who did bad things because they were forced too...Well, I'd have to lock away Jason, Damian and you as well.'

'Where is he?' Said Dick, looking down at his hands.

'He's with Jason. Although reluctant at first, I think Jay understands why he did what he did. He's agreed to stay and protect you.'

Dick rolled his eyes.

'Richard, don't roll your eyes at me. This man has caused you a lot of harm. What he did to you, what he made you try to do. I will not let that happen again. I want Jericho here to protect you. Whether you forgive Joey is up to you.'


The younger members of Young Justice had only ever heard the 'lethal force' warning on the sparing mats once before when Red Hood had first come to the mountain. What they weren't expecting when they went to investigate, was to see Nightwing standing on the matt, panting and seemingly becoming annoyed by the red pulsing lights.

'Wo. Nightwing, are you ok?' Asked Beast Boy, while Blue Beetle went up to the controls and turned off the warning.

'I'm fine.' Said Nightwing curtly.

'Fine my ass.' The young heroes all flinched at the new voice.

'Language, Robin.' Said Nightwing, rubbing his temples. When did his brothers all become so foul-mouthed?

Robin stormed over to his eldest brother, hands on hips, staring the older down.

'I knew that guy was going to bring problems. Just look how skinny you are! You weren't like that before he came into the picture.'

'Robin.' Nightwing warned.

'Um, what guy?' Asked Blue Beetle, looking at his friends to see if he was the only one who was confused.

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