Pills and Concern

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Warning: This chapter may not be suitable for all readers. Mentions self-harm and suicide.

Joey was practically walking with a skip in his step. He had told Dick he would be away for three days and here he was home after just under two. He couldn't wait to arrive home and surprise him. He was so excited, he had to stop himself from running the last few blocks to their apartment. In a few weeks, his contract with his father would be terminated and he would never have to become Jericho ever again. He would be free to live a normal life with Dick.

As he drew closer to the entrance of his building, he saw there was a young man stood outside, angrily pressing on the buzzer with a phone to his ear. The man had black hair with a white streak through the front and an expression on his face that was stone cold.

When he was a few feet away the other man seemed to notice him.

'Hey, do you live here?'

'Yeh.' Said Joey.

'Could you let me in? My brother lives here, he's gone AWOL and won't answer his damn phone.'

Joey hesitated, not really wanting to let a random stranger into the building.

'Please.' The man added. 'We're kind of worried.'

The hard expression on his face softened, and Joey could see that he wasn't lying, he really was worried about his brother. To be honest, if he thought something had happened to Rose, he would probably be acting the same way.

'Sure, I'll buzz you in.'


Once the door was open the man ran in and up the stairs, taking two at a time. Joey began to ascend at a slower pace. Suddenly, considering whether or not he should reach out to his sister. His train of thought was cut short when he realised the man he had just let in was standing outside his door, banging on it.

'Open up dickhead. Please, just let me know you're not dead!'

Suddenly the angry expression and the white hair clicked in his mind and he remembered something Dick had once told him about his family.


Jason looked at him, confusion spreading across his face.

'Yeh, who are you?'

He brought out his key, coming forward to put it in the lock.

'My names Joey.' He inserted the key.

'Why do you have a key to Dick's place?'

'I live here.' He opened the door and they both hurried in. 'Dick!?' There was no answer. Jason hurried into the kitchen while Joey checked the bedroom. His heart broke when he found him.

'Dick!' He ran to his side.

Dick was led on the floor, a bottle of sleeping pills next to him. Joey knew the young man had them in his bedside drawer but he'd never seen him take any.

'Dick, wake up.' He cradled him in his arms, shaking him. 'Jason!'

Jason came running in, swearing when he saw his brother. He picked up the bottle and swore again before gently but firmly slapping the side of Dick's face.

'Dick, wake up. How many of these did you take? Dick!'

Dick's eyes fluttered and he groaned, but they didn't open.

'Shit.' Said Jason, running and hand through his hair. 'Not again.' He muttered, dialling a number on his phone. 'Try and get him to throw up whatever he's taken.' He stood and ran back to the door screaming down the phone for someone to get there ass up there.

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