Arrests and Threats

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Joey leant against the railing of the rooftop he and his father were currently stood on. This was the first time they had really been around each other since he had moved in with Dick. The older man was pulling bricks from a wall, one of his many drop off points over the city. He pulled out something wrapped in cloth and stored it in the duffle bag he had brought with him. Joey didn't bother asking what was inside.

Already somewhat bored he looked down at the street and could see there was a commotion from a little way down. He watched as the people on the street parted, allowing three men to run passed. Joey realised one of the men was running from the other two, who happened to be cops. One of the cops was a lot wider than the other and soon started to slow, finally stopping, hands on his knees and bent over catching his breath. The other kept running.

'Get him, Grayson!' The fatter cops shouted.

Joey turned his full attention to the street to watch as Dick chased down the criminal. The crook ran out into the road just as a car passed, it missed him but it stopped, blocking the path. Dick didn't hesitate, he slid over the bonnet with ease and carried on running. Joey watched, mesmerised. He'd never really seen Dick in action. He moved further along the rooftop so that he could keep watching.

The crook ran down an alley, clambering over the metal fence. Dick was seconds behind, and what he did next cause Joey's eyes to widen. Using the walls either side of the narrow alley, Dick jumped against one, then the other to give himself to height before taking hold of the metal links in the fence and propelling himself over, landing in a perfect crouch before continuing his pursuit.

Joey could honestly say he had never been so attracted to the man he shared a bed with.

He grew more concerned when the crook reached the dead end and in desperation pulled out a knife. But Dick didn't seem to share his concern, he tackled the man, quickly disarming him and pinning him to the ground.

'Angus Green, I am arresting you on the suspicion of theft. You have the right to remain silent.' As Dick read the guy his rights, the other cop finally caught up and came around the corner.

'Nice one, Grayson.' He called in back up and they escorted the guy to the patrol car.

'That him?'

Joey almost jumped at the voice behind him. Slade was following his gaze, watching as Dick got into the passenger seat of the car.

'Yeh.' Said Joey.

'I thought you said he was a rookie.'

Joey could hear an impressed tone in his father voice and it made pride fill up in his chest.

'He is.' He couldn't hold back his smile.

'You really like this guy don't you.'

He nodded.

'Finish this job with me. Help me capture Nightwing and we're done. Jericho can retire and you can live your life with your cop.'

Joey stared at his father. Ever since he had paid for his voice corrective surgery, he had pushed upon his son that he owed him. Joey felt he was in his father debt and so would do pretty much anything he asked, even after the incident six years previously. Was he finally letting him go?

'Deal?' Slade asked.


Slade nodded. 'You better get going, you need to be in Jump by tonight to meet our contact.'

Joey nodded, taking the bag from him. The sooner he got there, the sooner he could get back to Dick.


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