Chapter Fifty: His Worries

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At the same time, Ash said, "I still haven't told you my side of the deal yet."

Oh, right. I forgot about that. I'd become so wrapped up in my confession that I'd forgotten the original deal that had been promised.

We looked at each other.

"You can go first," I said.

"No, it's cool. You can go first," Ash replied.

I sent a pointed look at him. "No, you are, because you still haven't told me what you're hiding. I'm going to forget if I go first."

Ash smirked, and the mood lightened enough to pass as pleasant. "You got me. Give me a second to think, okay?"

Shrugging, I yawned and looked up at the ceiling, mildly suspicious. Was he thinking of what to tell me and what not to? Was he trying to hide things from me yet again? Well, not exactly yet again...but still.

I'd just go with whatever he says. It's his choice.

A little bit later, Ash finally spoke up again. "Alright, it's true that I've been hiding something -- "

"I already noticed that," I cut in and the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.

Ash glared at me in mock annoyance. "Don't interrupt me unless you don't want to hear what I'm going to say."

"Yes, sir," I saluted with a grin but then fell silent.

He took a deep breath and I could tell he was trying to choose his words carefully. "I don't really know how to phrase this, to be completely honest."

I ran a cautious finger down the bandages on my arm, not quite sure how to react. Ash being unsure was a rare commodity. He was the unspoken leader of our group, always knowing what to do and what not to. If he didn't know what to do, then who did?

Certainly not me. And I didn't trust Sora or Dakota enough to leave the decision in their hands.

Ash began speaking again, having collected his thoughts once more. "I had a vision recently," he stated without warning. "I didn't try to see it on my own. My deity, or the Sky, showed me it. It was a vision that had to do with my home tribe.

"I think it's in the future because I heard someone talking about the Serpentine competition and how it'd been over or something. The vision directed me back to my old village. It's nothing but rubble now -- " Ash's voice caught for a second, then he righted himself. " -- But I think after the competition we have to go there."

He glanced at me, seeing how puzzled I was. "I know, we already 'have' the Chosen from that tribe, but I have a feeling that something important's there. I was planning on going straight to the Ursidae after I was done here, but we need to sidetrack and visit the Avians first.

"And now it comes to what's bothering me," Ash continued, growing a little agitated. "The Avian camp is in the opposite direction of the Ursidae's camp. I'm not sure if we'll make it in time for the next attack by the Predators. And there was something off about the vision that I can't put my finger to."

I sat, nonplussed and unsure of what to say in response. I also felt a bit of shame, dwelling on the past when the present was clearly more important right now. Ash was concerned about actual people's lives, while I was sitting here and moping about some measly scars and how I wasn't my parent's real child.

I was a real piece of work, wasn't I?

"No matter what you decide to do," I said quietly. "You know I'll follow that decision. I can't vouch for the others, but if you choose to go then I'll go with you."

The words had slipped out of my mouth without me realizing it.

Trying to attempt at a light tone, I covered my seriousness with a flustered remark. "I mean, it's not exactly like I have a choice, right?"

Stupid! I thought to myself. That's such a stupid thing to say!

Ash didn't appear to be angry, an amused smirk making its way to his lips. "No, you don't really have a choice, but thanks." He cleared his throat, embarrassed. "It's about time you get some rest, too. If you want to recover faster, you need to sleep."

I smiled appreciatively to myself but pretended to be annoyed. "Fine. But I'm still watching the competition tomorrow."

"I wouldn't dream of stopping you," Ash replied, helping me to lie back slowly. He put a warm hand on my forehead for a moment, then sat back. "You're not sick or anything. No infections yet."

Letting myself relax, I hazily looked up at him and yawned as the edges of my vision darkened with sleep. "I don't need to rest too long. Just wake me up after a couple of hours, okay?"

A couple of hours couldn't hurt.

Ash nodded, his finger tapping out a quiet rhythm on the chair's arm. If he said something in response, I didn't catch it, as I was already fast asleep.

Just a few hours.

(Side Note: Hello!)


I finally got a drawing tablet! Now I can properly draw stuff for the chapters instead of just taking pictures. Here's a design of Melody's wolf made by yours truly! (And please don't steal any of my art)

 Here's a design of Melody's wolf made by yours truly! (And please don't steal any of my art)

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