Keys and Coffee

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The sun was beating lazily down on the city, a rare cloudless sky brightened the streets of Gotham and the air could almost pass as breathable.

Dick tilted his head back so that the heat from the sun could touch his tanned skin. It was a beautiful day, surprisingly warm for mid-May. He and Babs had decided to spend their mutual day off, by meeting outside one of their childhood haunts. A small coffee shop on a corner in Gotham that was a little run down. They had enjoyed it here because nobody really knew or cared that one was the daughter of the commissioner, the other the ward of Gotham's Billionaire. Nothing had changed over the last 5 years, it was still slightly run down, but the coffee was still good.

'It feels great.' Said Babs. 'I can't remember the last time we saw the sun this bright in Gotham.'

'Try living in Blue Haven.' Dick joked.

'I'm alright thanks. If you're insane enough to live there that's your own choice, don't drag me into it.' She chuckled. 'I'm going to get another, do you want one?'

'Yeh, go on then.'

Babs called the waiter and ordered them both more coffee. She then crossed her arms over the table and leant forward.

'My dad want's to know how you're getting on at BHPD?' She said innocently. Dick knew she was equally as interested.

'It's alright. Very corrupted, but that's why I chose the city. It's where I can do the most good.'

'Or where you are most likely to get yourself killed.'

Dick shrugged and leant forward, lowering his voice.

'I've had less trouble there than I did in Jump.'

'That was because you had a psychopath after you. A psychopath whom, I would like to remind you, is still out there.' Her eyes hardened as she looked at him seriously. Dick's time in Jump with the Titans had scared her. The idea of him fighting crime without the protection of the Bat was worrying enough, but when Slade had come into the picture and gone after him... It had been a scary time.

Dick could see the concern on his friends face by the crease that had formed between her brows. He reached forward, taking her hands in his own.

'Hey, it's fine. I'm fine. That's all in the past.'

She smiled at him, squeezing his hands then releasing them as the waiter approached. They sat back as Babs latte was placed in front of her. But as the guy shifted to pass Dick his drink, the tray tipped sending the hot black coffee onto Dick's lap. The young man stood up quickly, pulling his jeans away from his skin as much as possible, hissing at the burning sensation.

'I'm so sorry!' The voice that spoke came out as more of a croak. Dick looked up, every intention of telling the waiter there was no harm done. The guy before him was around his age, blonde hair cut short and grey eyes that stared at him horror.

'Don't worry about it. Accidents happen.' Said Dick, he smiled accepting the napkins Babs handed to him and started patting down his crotch area. The waiter still looked mortified, a blush creeping over his cheeks. 'Seriously, it's fine.'

The waiter nodded, picking up the broken mug off the floor.

'I'll go and get you another coffee. And some more napkins.' He hurried off back to the coffee shop.

Dick sat back down, still patting his jeans.

'You ok? Asked Babs with a grin.

'Yeh, I'm fine. Don't laugh!' Said Dick, trying to hold back his own giggles. 'Poor guy was mortified!'

'He was cute too.' The redhead sat up tall, like a meerkat, trying to look into the shop window to see their clumsy waiter. After a few more minutes the guy came back outside with a new coffee a handful of napkins.

'Again, I am so sorry, Sir!'

'As I said, it was no problem. Thanks for the coffee.'

The blonde nodded before returning back to the shop.

'Bless him.' Said Babs and soon they were back in the conversation.

It wasn't until later the day after Dick had walked Babs back to her apartment, that he realised his keys were not in his pocket.

'Shit.' They had been on the table at the coffee shop, he must have knocked them off when he had the coffee spilt over him. Seeing as he was stranded anyway without the keys to his bike, the former Boy Wonder walked back to the coffee shop hoping it was still open.

The lights were still on, giving the sidewalk a warm inviting glow. The smell of coffee filled his nose as he entered, a pleasant tune being played acoustically by the live musician. Dick headed straight for the counter and asked the barista if a set of keys had been handed in. As she went to the office to check, Dick leant against the counter top and turned to see the guitarist. He was surprised to see the man playing was the guy who had split coffee down his pants earlier that day. Dick had to admit, the guy played beautifully.

'Here you go, Sir.' The woman handed him his keys and Dick sighed in relief. Staying at Wayne Manor for a night was one thing, having to call Bruce to come and pick him up because he lost his bike keys would have been humiliating. He thanked the barista and went back to watching the music, clapping along with the others in the shop when the man finished his set.

As the blonde was putting away his guitar, Dick approached him.

'You're really good at playing that.' He said.

The young man's head shot up, a blush crept across his cheeks when he recognised Dick.

'Thanks. I play music a lot better than I serve coffee.' He grinned sheepishly and Dick noted that his voice still had the quite croak like he was about to lose it.

'You're telling me.' Dick chuckled.

'I'm really sorry about that. I hope it didn't spoil your date.'

Dick shook his head quickly. 'Not a date.' He said.

'That wasn't your girlfriend?'

'No, we're just really old friends.'

Did Dick imagine it or did this guy's eyes just light up? He reached a hand forward, offering the guy his hand.

'I'm Dick, by the way, Dick Grayson.' If he recognised his name, he didn't show it. Instead, the other man just smiled and shook his hand.

'I'm Joseph, but everyone calls me Joey.'

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