Chapter Eighteen: Meeting Sergio's Parents

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“You look fine,” Sergio murmured wrapping an arm around Bailey and led her into the restaurant where they were having dinner with Sergio’s parents; Paqui refused to take no for an answer.

Bailey nodded her head checking her outfit again, she was wearing a navy midi skater dress with full skirt and wrap front paired with grey heeled sandals.

“What if they don’t like me?” Bailey asked as they entered the restaurant, she peeked around trying to spot Sergio’s parents even though she had no idea what they looked like.

Sergio snorted lacing their fingers, he quickly spoke with the hostess; his parents would already be there and he didn’t wish to keep them waiting, they would be in one of the private rooms of the restaurant.

The hostess smiled as she told the couple to follow her to the room where they would be eating dinner; Bailey followed after Sergio as she tried to ease her nerves.

“It’ll be fine,” Sergio murmured as they stopped outside of the room that held his parents, the hostess left them alone as Bailey tried to gather some confidence; she hadn’t had this problem with David’s parents because they had been family friends.

Sergio gave a hand a small squeeze of comfort before he led Bailey into the room, there was no point waiting around and he was sure his parents would love Bailey.

“Madre, padre… it’s wonderful to see you again,” Sergio said moving to greet his parents, he didn’t let go of Bailey as he feared that she would use the chance to escape.

Bailey fidgeted peeking at José María and Paqui Ramos, she had only been dating their son for nearly eight weeks and it seemed unreal that she was meeting them now.

“This is Bailey… my girlfriend,” Sergio said gently tugging Bailey forward to meet his parents, he grinned as he did so sure that everything would be fine; his parents were going to love her as much as he did.


“So Bailey… what do you do?” José María asked as they enjoyed dinner, his dark eyes watching the woman that he had spent the first course quizzing about her life; he wanted to make sure that she wasn’t anything like his last few girlfriends.

Sergio glared at his father, he had noticed that José María had spent a lot of the meal questioning Bailey and it was making his nerves.

“I’m a journalist… I write pieces for different magazines and I have a column in a newspaper,” Bailey said carefully, she peeked at Sergio spotting the look on his face; she didn’t want to cause any trouble for him especially with his parents.

Paqui elbowed her husband as she shot him a warning look, she wanted to enjoy dinner and she didn’t want anything to upset Sergio; it had taken a lot for her to get this dinner arranged.

“Anything we might have read?” Paqui asked politely, she already liked Bailey a lot more than the last few girls that she had met; she didn’t seem to have any hidden agendas.

Bailey chewed on her lip, her mind going blank for a moment as she tried to recall something anything that she might have written in the last few months.

“I mainly write reviews on films, plays, restaurants… recently I’ve been working on a column for an online parenting magazine,” Bailey said, she knew it wasn’t much but she did enjoy her job and it wasn’t a full time thing especially now that she had Una in her life.

Paqui’s eyes lit up at the mention of parenting, it made her curious about where the little girl was tonight; however she understood it was a little late for the four month old to be up.

“And where is Una tonight?” José María asked sipping on his wine, it hadn’t been easy to learn that Bailey had a daughter but he was surprised how much Sergio talked about the little girl.

It was almost as if Una was his child not his girlfriend’s, it was nice to see but it did worry José María about the future; he didn’t want to see his son hurt if Bailey was to leave him or something.

“She’s at home with the babysitter,” Bailey said messing with her dinner, she still felt uneasy and it made her wonder if they had come here to cause problems.

Sergio rested a hand on her knee, he was sure that everything was going to be okay; his mother seemed to like Bailey and he hoped that his father would warm to her soon.

“Who wants dessert,” Paqui asked trying to break the tension, she kicked her husband under the table; their youngest was the only one with a solid future.

Mirian had married Carlos Muela and was expecting a baby later that year while René was getting married in July and had an eight year old daughter; it was Sergio’s turn to have what he wanted.


“It was lovely too met you Bailey,” Paqui said smiling at Bailey, she adored the red head and hoped to see her again soon; she liked Bailey a lot more than she had ever liked Pilar.

Sergio smiled as he watched his mother and girlfriend, he was glad that they were getting along and he couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future; he peeked at his father and hoped that he would warm to her soon.

“You really like her?” José María said standing beside his son, he was impressed with everything that he had heard tonight from Bailey and he was happy for Sergio.

Pilar had never made him react like this and José María was sure that Bailey was a much better choice; she had made Sergio a better man and didn’t seem hell bent on changing him in anyway.

“I love her and Una,” Sergio said as he continued to watch his mother and girlfriend, Paqui seemed reluctant to leave and it made Sergio smile; he was glad that they were getting along and it meant so much to him.

“That’s all I want,” José María said smiling softly at his son, he nodded at Sergio before he moved to collect Paqui; they needed to get back to the house before it got too late.

“I hope you’ll consider coming to Seville over the summer,” Paqui said smiling at her son, she loved the idea of getting to know Bailey move and finally meeting Una; it was clearly the start of something big.

Sergio wrapped an arm around his girlfriend as he watched his parents leave, it all seemed so perfect and he didn’t want to ruin anything with Bailey.

José María and Paqui climbed into their car and left as Sergio watched them leave, he smiled as he looked at Bailey; he was sure that the holidays were going to be so relaxing for them.

“That wasn’t too bad was it?” Sergio said recalling how nervous Bailey had been before the meal, it had gone wonderfully and he was sure that it was the perfect start for them.

Bailey smiled as he walked her towards the car, she was sure that they were going to be okay; this meant so much to her and she could see a future with the footballer even after a couple of months.

“I love you,” Bailey said pressing a kiss to his lips, she was so happy and she was sure that there was nothing that could ruin this for her.

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