15. It's Only Just Begun

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15. It’s Only Just Begun

       The gong sounded immediately one second after Claudius Templesmith’s voice echoed in the arena. The gong released twenty-two tributes from their platforms.

It was a madhouse. All of us bolted from our platforms as if they were to detonate at any second. I heard Johanna’s voice barking at me: Grab the pack closest to you and make a run for it! Don’t stick around unless you have a death wish! Immediately I thought back to Bernard and how he so easily walked off the platform before the sixty seconds were up.

            I sprinted to the pack closest to me only to find Jillian had snatched it. To hell with that, I wasn’t going to back away from her. She had no weaponry on her. I could just tackle the kid and rip it from her grasp.

That’s exactly what I did.

As everybody fought close to the Cornucopia, I lunged for Jillian, taking her out by the legs. She yelped. I scrambled over her and snatched the bag. She grabbed my leg tight; I tried to shake her off. I ducked as the District 8 girl tried to grab my head in a headlock. I kicked Jillian in the face and got her off me. It wasn’t even five seconds later that I was forced to the ground and rumbling around with the District 6 girl. She had a mad glint in her eye as she rustled for the pack I just claimed. I scratched her face with my nails. She screeched like a madwoman and clawed at my face in return. I kicked her off me and quickly got on my feet again.

 I hightailed it for the woods…but not before Kaya had a shot at me. She gave a battle cry behind me, and I ran even faster. I never turned to look at her, because I knew she was pursuing me. Her voice was the loudest amongst the battle cries, the yowls of pain, and the screams of terror. It was like a war had erupted in the arena; the only difference was that there were no guns allowed.

            I leapt into the bushes of the woods, not looking back. I had actually made a cleaner getaway than I had thought I would. It wasn’t that hard to get away with the backpack. I didn’t hear any pursuers, but I wasn’t about to slow down or stop to see if they were being stealthy. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

            “You’re mine, District Seven!” Kaya roared. Her voice certainly could travel.

I didn’t hear Kaya come after me, so I assumed she turned her attention to the other vulnerable, stupid tributes that thought they could salvage something from the Cornucopia. Good, get distracted by them. I’ll lose you.

            I ran like hell, tripping myself by accident. I scrambled, the pack beat against me as I ran. I huffed; I had to slow down soon. If I used all my energy now, I’d have none left should a tribute come and pounce on me when I’m catching my breath.

After another few minutes of running, I convinced myself I had run pretty deep in the woods. I panted, bending over to catch my breath. The pack hung from my arm. I could barely hear war sounds now. I had run far already and didn’t even realize it. Better see what’s in the pack. Hope there’s something useful, I prayed. If there was something, I’d have good luck. I got lucky in getting away with barely a scratch on me.

Well, that’s not true—the District 6 girl gave me a few scrapes on my cheeks, but it wasn’t like she managed to draw blood or anything. Of course, I guess I hadn’t really attracted much attention to myself since only a few tributes tried to attack me for a pack.

I sat on my knees, unzipping the pack quietly, as if someone happened to be nearby and heard me. The pack wasn’t totally worthless. I managed to gain a canteen of water, some fruit, and a black blanket. That was all that was inside the bag. Of course, I got nothing useful like a hatchet or something that I could use as a weapon, nor did I get medicine in this pack in case I had a nasty cut or sting. Then again, I bet medicine was a rarity in a backpack when the Games first start out.

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