Chapter 5

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"Help me Luna P!" I say in dog language because Marco was holding me and trying to give me a bath."You need to be clean Y/n!You haven't had a bath in weeks!" Luna P barked back as a Lazer shot out of her eye.

"Y/n stop squirming," Marco said as he scrubbed my fur as I yipped and shook my fur causing water to get on him.He laughed a little as he rinsed me with water and dried me with a blow dryer.My fur was now more fluffy I could barely see past it,"Y/n you look three times adorable!" Star said as she picked me up,hugging me close and kissing my forehead as my tail wagged.Suddenly,another swirly thing opened,I growled thinking it was a monster but out popped a.......pony without a body,and a stick on its head?

"Hey Gurl and Earth Turd," the wierd pony said to Star and I'm assuming Marco.

"Who that Luna P?" I bark to her,"That's Ponyhead!She is the Ponyhead's Princess!She's awesome!" Luna P yipped back as her tail wagged furiously."Thanks Fashion Queen!" Pony head said to Luna P,"and who's this?" Ponyhead said looking at me,since I suppose she under stood us in dog language I barked,"Y/n!"

"Sup Gurl!Gonna call you N/n!So Star,Earth turd!I hear there's an epic party,wanna hang?" Pony head said casually as Marco looked unsure.After persuasion Pony head opened up a swirly thing and they left.

"Where do you think they went?" I asked staring at the spot that they were in before they disappeared.

I padded out of the bathroom and went to the rest of the puppies who were chatting.I struggled but managed to get on the couch,I sniffed through it and found a pair of scissors.

"That's dimensional scissors!" Launch Pip said.

"Can we use them?" Lili Pie asked looking at everyone,"Why not!" L.p said as she cut random air that turned into a swirly thing and we went through.All of us landed in soft grass.

"W-what's are we?" Link pup whispered looking around frantically.We all looked at L.p who shrugged and started to climb a hill,we all frantically followed behind,Lili Pie helping me.When we got to the top we all gasps,"Mewni," The Lazer puppies said dreamily.I tilt my head and look at them.

"What's Mewni?" They gasp,"Y/n's never been to Mewni!And we haven't been here in a while sooo.....WHO WANTS TO EXPLORE!?" Lazer Peep Yipped happily as we all said yes and raced toward the place called Mewni.


(For a short time Star and Marco's POV )

Marco could feel something was wrong,"Star I feel like we should head home," He said as he looked at Star.

"Why Marco?" Star asked questionably.

"Something is NOT right,and I feel we should at least check on the puppies," Marco said,normally he wouldn't worry about them but lately lots of things have been happening with the puppies and now he is more concerned.

"Ok!Pony head were going to quickly check on the puppies!" Star said but Pony head didn't hear her from the loud music as Pony head kept dancing.

Star and Marco went back home,"Y/n!Puppies!" Star called but then started to get worried when no Lazer sounds or barking was heard.Star searched around frantically getting worried by the minute while Marco started to freak out.

Since they weren't in the house Star and Marco started searching town,school,everywhere the puppies could have gone but they weren't there.Star got back home and sat on the couch as tears pricked at her eyes,Star then felt inside the couch and noticed her scissors were gone,she looked at the floor carefully and saw puppy fur around the table that lead to the front of the kitchen entrence then suddenly disappeared.

"Marco.I think the puppies used my scissors," Star said,Marco just looked at her like she was crazy,"They couldn't have,they are just puppies!" Marco tried to explain.

"But what about Willoughby?She a dog," Star said as Marco paused,they looked at each other and panicked.

"Weve got find them!" Marco said.

"But they could be in ANY dimension!"

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