Chapter 3

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I was hiding in a bush with L.p and Lazer Peep,we were playing hide n' seek and Launch Pip was it.We giggled softly as he looked around for us,putting his nose to the ground."I will find you guys!" He said looking around as lazers shot out of his eyes and hit the Bush we were in causing it to disintegrate,revealing us three."I have found you!Surrender!" He yelled as his eyes shot lazers to the bush next to us making it also to disintegrate revealing Link pup,Lili Pie,Luna P who squealed.

"Charge!" I yelled as we all charged at Launch Pip who laughed racing away as we all tackled him,well,except Luna P who feared her coat would get dirty.

"Y/n,Lazer puppies!" Star said coming toward us with a happy smile on her face.

"Star!" We bark fumbling over to her barking happily,I started leaning to the right but thankfully L.p helped me shift back to Star."I love you guys so mu-" before she could finish a wierd swirling thing appeared near us and a whole bunch of weird creatures came out."Bad guys!" Lili Pie squeaked angrily.

"B-bad guys!" Link pup quivered scarily as usual but more (Link pup is now the jumpy one).

"Why NOW Ludo!I have my babies to take care of!!!" Star yelled angrily as Marco came out in his battle stance."Can we fight too!?" I asked as Link pup screeched loud enough for us pups to hear."Look at how Star uses her wand!" Launch Pip said amazed as many battle spells were casted forward."I-I don't like her l-loud sp-spells...." Link pup whispered covering his ears as Luna P just stared,"Do you think she has fashion spells?" Everypup stared at her blankly.

"Guys!Star is losing!" L.p gasped,as they saw exactly what L.p said was happening.I couldn't watch,I had anger in me,"Lazer puppies unite!" I yell and they knew exactly what that ment.

"O-oh no," Link pup whined as he and us charged at the leader,the egg shaped,bald headed,two faced bird man.

"Gah!" He said as we bit him,me being the leader of the charge I attacked first.Like I expected we surprised him as he yelled in pain,Lili Pie holding onto his rump.The Lazer puppies eyes flew everywhere in a rapid speed and hit the other monsters as I bark triumphant seeing the monster runs back through the swirling thing their leader crawling in as I bit his clothing hard growling like it was a game of tug of war.

We then let go and watched as he cursed us and Star before vanishing into the swirly thing as it disappeared.

"WE WERE AWESOME!!!!" Lazer Peep Yipped as he and the others cheered."Y-ya,w-we were great?" Link pup said as he sighed in relief.I smiled proud of him for helping up.

"My puppies were amazing!!Did you see how Y/n led the charge!!And little Link Pup helped!He is usually hidinh!!" Star said happily almost crying tears of joy as we raced to her and happily licked her.

I padded to Marco but found myself going left,but Marco picked me up and said,"Ya did good Y/n."

I wish this could go forever!!!

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