Chapter 16: FlashBacks

Start from the beginning

"It's actually the afternoon." I corrected. Dad froze as he glanced up at me. He raised his eyebrow. I nodded.

"It is currently 12:34 p.m sir."  J.A.R.V.I.S's voice spoke up. Dads eyes widened. I smiled.

"9 hours of sleep Dad..." I stated happily. He chuckled. He looked at me for a moment. I looked away quickly.

I looked down to my phone. Great! He's suspicious! How in the hell does he always find out somethings up!?

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as he sat up. I nodded as I tried to look awake and energetic, but not too much.

"Yep, but I was thinking of going back to sleep for a bit. I woke up way too early for my liking. I made brunch. Pancakes and bacon. I put blueberries on you pancakes too." I smiled innocently at him.

He squinted his eyes at me. I probably look as bad as I feel.

My bed looks so comfortable! I gave him a toothy grin.

He chuckled and stood up.

He stretched his arms out. He grunted as he stretched. He walked out the door. I let out a breath of relief as I disconnected from Dad.

I felt myself get dizzy. I sat down on my bed with a hand on my head. I felt something run down my face. I lifted my hand under my nose and a red liquid laid on my fingers.


I stood up slowly and slowly walked to my bathroom. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped my nose. I looked into the mirror and I could tell I was exhausted.

I had light bags under my eyes. Did the spell effect me more then I thought? Once the blood stopped, I washed my face.

I grunted as I walked out the bathroom. My head throbbing.

I slowly laid on the bed and covered myself with my blanket. I curled up into a ball and snuggled into my blanket.

This feeling... why is it so familiar? With a wave of my hand, I closed the door and locked it.

I cried as I grabbed my head.


I screamed in pain. It felt like fire burning my skin, like someone was kicking my head over and over again.

My arms strapped to the table, not able to move. After what felt like hours, but was only minutes, the pain decreased.

It was still there, but not as strong. My chest went up and down as I tried to catch my breath.

My eyes closed, not wanting to see their stupid grins as one of their most prized creations withered in pain.

Their... creation, they made me.

I thought about how much just dying would be better, but sadly they wouldn't let that happen. Not with my... abilities.

"Take it back to it's cell!" His deep voice demanded. My hands in fists as I held the tears in, just till I'm in my cell.

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