"Your mom seems really nice." Marinette complimented. "What did she mean by normal friends?" Alya asked curiously. "Well, you guys aren't the kind of people I would usually hang out with." You replied. "What are your friends usually like?" Nino asked. "Eh, they're rough, rowdy, tattoos, piercings, and stuff like that. You know, the kind of people you would rob a bank with." You explained, causing your peers to stare at you weirdly. Realizing what you said, you quickly tried to cover it up. "Heh, not that I would know anything about that...!" You denied with a nervous laugh. Nino shot Alya and Marinette a look, making the two girls shrug uncertainly.

"Here we are. Feel free to start anywhere you want." You told them as they all walked in and selected the paint color of their choice. "This is gonna be awesome!" Nino exclaimed as he wasted no time getting started. "Aw man, I have no idea what to paint...or even how to paint." Alya admitted, holding a paintbrush to her chin thoughtfully. "Don't worry, just paint what you feel." Marinette told her. "Yeah, or paint the first thing that comes to mind. Just don't paint anything really weird. I don't want to have nightmares." You suggested, making the brown-haired girl laugh. "I'll try my best."

A few minutes after starting, the doorbell rang. "(Name)! Another one of your friends is here!" Your mom called from downstairs. Quickly, you rushed downstairs to find your mom talking to Nathaniel. "What's your name?" She asked in a friendly tone. "N-Nathaniel." He replied. "Aww, aren't you a sweet young man!" Your mom cooed, making him smile shyly. "Hey, Nathaniel. Come on upstairs." You quickly interrupted. The red-haired boy smiled and nodded before heading upstairs. "Mom, you're scaring him!" You whisper yelled. "I'm scaring him? I'm surprised you haven't scared that poor boy away." She defended. You opened your mouth to counter but then closed it. "Good point..." You mumbled before returning upstairs to your room.

~Time Skip~

After some time, the doorbell rang once again. "That must be Adrien." You chimed, causing Marinette to go into a panic. "A-a-Adrien?! What's Adrien doing here?!" She stammered. "I invited him." You replied as if it was obvious. "Yeah, girl! He's in the group chat." Alya added. "They're right." Nathaniel agreed. "Yeah, didn't you notice?" Nino questioned. "What?!" Marinette exclaimed before pulling out her phone and looking at the group chat. "How I didn't notice that before?! This is a disaster!"

"Want me to tell him to leave?" You asked.

"Yes! I mean n-n-no! Well, m-maybe..."

"While you figure that out, I'm going to get him." You told her before dropping everything and leaving the room, causing her to panic even more. You ran downstairs and opened the front door to find the handsome blonde. "Hey, you made it!" You greeted as you stepped aside, allowing him to enter. "Yeah, I'm surprised too." He replied, sheepishly.

After just completing a phone call, your mom walked over. "Who's this, (name)?" She asked. "This is Adrien Agreste. He's another one of my classmates." You introduced, saying nothing more. Adrien gave your mom a closed-eyed smile. "It's very nice to meet you, ma'am." Your mom returned his smile as she stared at him thoughtfully. "You look familiar for some reason..."

"Sorry, mom. Gotta go!"

~Time Skip~

After a long but fun day, you all had finally finished. As a way to celebrate, your mom decided to order pizza for everyone. Together, you all ate, talked, and joked around. Except for a certain blue-haired girl who spent the time staring lovingly at her favorite blonde.

Eventually, everyone had to go home. Once they had all left, you went back up to your room to admire the hard work that you and your friends did. You had simply painted '(name)'s room' in big colorful graffiti letters. Looking at Nino's artwork (with help from Alya), you saw that they painted a giant boom box that was also in a colorful graffiti style similar to yours. 'Wow, they're really good! Maybe I can convince them to go tagging with me one day.' Next, you checked out Marinette's artwork. She had painted the Eiffel Tower along with a bunch of little ladybugs. 'Wow, Marinette seems to like ladybugs.' Afterward, you looked at Adrien's artwork to see that he painted a cute little black cat with bright green eyes and little paw prints everywhere to make it look like it's been walking around. 'Heh, I never would have thought that Adrien was a cat person.' Lastly, you looked at Nathaniel's artwork to see he painted a portrait of Ladybug, Chat Noir, and...CHEETU?!

'Holy Crap! If mom sees this, she might put two and two together and find out I'm Cheetu! How am I gonna hide this from her?!' Suddenly, your mom burst into the room with her laptop, nearly making you jump out of your skin.


"You knew what?!" You asked, caught off guard by her outburst. "That little friend of yours, Adrien Agreste. I researched him. He's the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste!" She exclaimed, showing you a photo of said man on her laptop. Seeing the photo, you sweatdropped. 'Woah...that dude has a cold stare that could freeze the sun...'

"Did you know that you're going to school with a model?" Your mom questioned. "Yes, I did." You replied as if it was obvious. "Why didn't you tell me?! I could have got his autograph!" She complained, making you roll your (eye color) eyes. "He's very handsome though. I bet you two would make a cute couple." She commented hopefully. "Stop being weird, mom! That's never going to happen!" You yelled, covering your ears to prevent you from hearing anymore. Your mom rolled her eyes before looking around your room.

"Wow! I'm impressed! Everything is so nice and colorful. This is way better than painting it all black." You chuckled nervously. "Glad you like it, Mom. Bye, now!" You said, trying to usher her out as quickly as possible.

"Wait a minute..." Your mom got a closer look at the painting of you Cheetu. She stared at it intensely before shifting her gaze towards you. You began to panic internally until a chuckle left her lips as she shook her head. "You kids and these crazy characters you're into." You shot her a confused expression. 'She doesn't...realize it's me?'

Once she was gone, you sighed in relief. "You can come out now, Purrsia." Obediently, the little cheetah print kwami flew out of her hiding place. "Everything looks so pretty! But...don't you think it would be a bad idea to have a painting of Cheetu on your wall?" Purrsia asked cautiously. "I think it'll be alright. Nathaniel painted the whole thing without realizing it's me and mom didn't notice either..."

"Well...I guess it's okay..."

"Ha! Everyone is blind! I'm sure I'll instantly be able to recognize who Ladybug and Chat Noir is as soon as I see them!" You boasted humorously.

"I noticed that you've been secretive lately. What are you hiding from me, Purrsia?" You questioned, inquisitively. Purrsia looked at you nervously before flying away and coming back with a sheet of paper. "I...I made this for you..." She said, shyly handing it to you. Looking at it, your (eye color) eyes widened in surprise. It was a cute amateur drawing of you and Purrsia.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. Do you like it...?" She asked nervously. "I...I love it. Thank you, Purrsia." You said as you gave her a genuine smile. "I know you've only been Cheetu for a little while but... I'm glad you're my owner." She confessed sheepishly.

"I'm glad your my kwami and if you ever get all mushy on me again, I'm going to tickle you to death." You threatened, playfully poking the little kwami in the tummy.


Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now