Disinterested in the conversation, Marinette had her gaze focused elsewhere. Her blue eyes lit up the second a certain blonde boy arrived at school.  "There goes Adrien!" She practically shrieked out loud. "Oh? You mean the cute blonde boy right?" You asked, looking for said teen.

Marinette growled lowly to herself but it wasn't low enough to fall deaf on your ears. "Something wrong, Marinette?" You asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, it's nothing..." She dismissed begrudgingly. "She's just not a morning person." Alya attempted to cover for her bestie.

Gears began to grind in your head as you began to analyze the blue-haired girl's behavior. The way she freaked out when she saw Adrien. The way she would act distant towards you, especially when you commented about the handsome blonde. At that moment, the pieces came together. "I get it! You have a crush on Adrien, don't you?"

Marinette's blue eyes widened. "Wh-what?! Pfft! Absolutely not! Ha...! Wha...what makes you think that...?!" She babbled nervously, causing her best friend to facepalm and shake her head. You burst out laughing causing the two girls to stare at you in confusion. "That's what this is all about? I thought it was something else. If that's the case then, don't worry. I'll back off." Marinette stared at you in surprise. "Re-really...?"

"Yeah, don't mind my mindless flirting. He's not my type anyway. I'm more into bad boys." A huge grin made its way onto Marinette's face."Yay! Thank you so m-!"

"But I do have one condition." You interrupted with a serious expression. Alya and Marinette both shared a wary look. "Wh-what is that?" Marinette asked, slightly concerned about what your condition might be. You smirked at the blue-haired girl. "I get to be a bridesmaid at the wedding." Alya burst out laughing while Marinette's face turned bright red. She didn't expect you to say anything like that but couldn't help but giggle anyway. "It's a deal."

"Good morning, girls." Adrien walked up and greeted with a closed-eyed smile.

"Morning, Adrien."

"Sup, Adrien."

Completely flustered, Marinette stumbled on her words. "O-oh! Uh...Bello! Gah! I mean uh...He-"

"Out of my way!" Yelled a certain blonde brat as she knocked Marinette to the ground. "Hi, Adrikins!" Chloe greeted rather loudly.  The poor blue-haired girl groaned in pain as you and Alya helped her off the ground and dusted her off.

You glared at the spoiled blonde girl that was currently all over poor Adrien. "Stupid brat! What's her deal with him, anyway?" You asked. "Adrien has been home-schooled all his life up until recently. During that time, Chloe has been his only friend. That's why she's so close him." Alya explained.

"Oh, so that's why she's so obsessed with Adrien."

"And that's why I will never get close to Adrien..." Marinette said in defeat. "Don't give up, girl. It's not over yet." Alya encouraged. "Yeah, don't let yourself be intimidated by Chloe. I'm sure you and Adrien will be together one day and anyone who gets in the way will have to answer to me." You said with a smirk on your face. Marinette smiled at both of you, grateful for the encouraging words.

"Thanks, guys."

The three of you headed inside the building and walked into your classroom. A handful of students were already inside, considering that it was only a few minutes before school started.

Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now