I raise an eyebrow. "Don't you mean who's next?"

"Oh, don't give me that. I heard you chose to leave."

"What? Who--"

"Come on, it's all over the school. You should know everyone's talking about it." 

He puts his hand on one hip. "But seriously, Andrea, what are you going to do with this? You can't just stay?"

"They want me to take a pay cut. They want me to sit on my hands while they test it out. To see if I can be replaced by free labor. If we all can. You really think I'd be a part of that?"

Henri strokes the close-cut grey fuzz on his head, then crosses his arms and looks at me with wide eyes. 

"So what now?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll have to talk to the union rep. I've only been in seven years. I don't even know what's going to happen to my pension now."

"Oh, they have to give it to you. There's no way the union is going to let this fly. They can't just get rid of you for no reason. Did you read the contract?"

My eyes drop.

"Oh, come on, Andrea. You have to at least read the contract. This can't just happen. You have to do something. You know they're saying I'm next, don't you?"

"I know you don't believe that. You're fine. I'm fine. It won't last, you said that yourself. By the end of the month I'll be back in that classroom. You know I will."

"So you're just going to...what? Putter at home until they bend to the union's will? Calling their bluff, are you?"

I hadn't thought about what to do. I hadn't thought beyond going home for the rest of the day and now that the nausea has passed, spending some quality time with rocky road ice cream.

"And what if you're wrong? What if the project goes through? Think about it, Andrea. No one has ever been fired from this board for no reason before. Do you really think a robot is a good reason for ending your career?"

My shoulders collapse as I gaze at the pink lunch bag in my hands. 

"I guess maybe I should dust off my old resume."

"That's horseshit," Henri exclaims. I intake air sharply. "I haven't given a decade to this place just to be shoved out the door on my ass. It's not allowed." 

He raises his voices and slams his palm on the counter. "And if you're not going to fight it, I am." He turns and storms out, stomping the floor with each step.

My cheeks are hot. I take a moment to recover from my shock and then I follow him out. I ignore the glances of surprise from the tables of clustered teachers.

"Where are you going?" I call after Henri as he slams open the door to the hallway. 

But I already know the answer.

"To Goodman's office," he shouts back over his shoulder. 

I jog down the hall to keep up with his determined stride.

"Henri, think about this. My job is already gone. Nothing you can say can change--"

"Don't say that," he interrupts, slowing his pace.

"What? I--"

"Andrea, you are coming back. You have to. That stupid machine can't possibly replace you." Indignation drips from his voice. "It can't be what you are. Or do what you do. Can it?"

"No, I know it can't," I reply. "But what am I supposed to do about it? Leaving here is the only way to send a message."

"You could fight it. Here and now." 

He turns down the hall towards the office again.

"Okay," I say to his retreating back. "But this is my fight, Henri. If you do this, you could be out of a job too."

"Yeah, right. And if I am? So what. I'm going to lose it anyways."

"You shouldn't panic," I say. "You have a family to think about."

"Can't you see?" Henri turns back to face me. "First it was lunch duty. Then the janitor, then the librarian. Now you. You're the least senior member of this staff and I'm the second least senior. Who do you think goes next, Andrea?"

"You can't know that for sure."

"Live in denial if you want. I'm not going without a fight." 

He slams his palm into the double doors of the outer office.

I can't stop him. I stand by, impotent, while he screams himself out. 

Goodman, who is sitting at her desk prodding at her monitor when Henri bursts in, stays perfectly calm throughout the exchange.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lapointe," she says when he pauses for breath. "But Ms. Anderson has already made her decision."

"We'll see about that," Henri exclaims as he turns to leave. "We'll see what the union has to say about it."

I see the composure slip from Goodman's round face as Henri leaves the room. 

I mouth the words, "I'm sorry," to her. But by that time her jaw is set in a hard line.

(Continued in Chapter 4...)


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