Chapter Twenty-Four: Training

Start from the beginning

Once they reached a huge black gate the Goblin turned and addressed everyone else for the first time that day.

"None of you past here, it's not safe yet." 

"What! No!" Draco exclaimed immediately and Harry turned to talk to them.

"He's right I don't want to hurt any of you so until I can control my powers, which I will remind you I don't know the full extent of, no one comes, you can all go home I will meet you there." Harry said softly and the adults all grumbled but nodded. 

Once everyone had turned to leave Draco stepped forward and grabbed Harry's hand softly and whispered, "Stay safe okay, remember we are in this together, I want to hear everything." 

Harry smiled and replied, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Harry then turned back to the Goblin who gestured for him to open the door.

As soon as his hand touched the cold metal it instantly heated up turning a bright red as the gate opened with a groan. Obviously it hadn't been opened for a long time.

"How long has it been since someone has been down here?" Harry asked casually as he looked around.

"It has been centuries, only the Master of Death himself can open this gate, it is an honor to see inside." The Goblin once again bowed.

"There is no need for that truly not in small company at least, oh and by the way I don't think I caught your name." Harry smiled at the small creature who's features lit up.

"My name is Eablir Sir!" Eablir exclaimed happily to which Harry smiled back.

"Now Sir, I must warn you this will be hard training because your powers can be un-reliable and shaky when angered so control is important." Eablir explained, "It is all Goblins duties to serve and protect the Master of Death from everything which also includes training you to your full potential." 

Harry nodded understandingly and they got started.


"Focus! All your energy needs to be on this task!" Eablir yelled at Harry as he fell to the ground.

"I am trying!" Harry yelled back panting on the ground.

"Are you or are you not the Mater of Death!" Eablir yelled at Harry as he attempted to  pry himself off of the floor.

"I am!" Harry said triumphantly as he stood up straighter. His eyes turned black as he concentrated, his face a mask of everything.

"Again!" Eablir barked and Harry lifted his arms letting a black cloud engulf him, carrying him up and into the air before the tips of the smoke turned red, changing from fire to ice and back again.

"Focus on one element!" Eablir yelled over the noise, "Picture it in your hands!" As Harry did this the room got chilled, icicles started forming around the room and as Harry descended form the black smoke holding him captive there was a white and blue mist expanding from his hand. Swirling around in his palm.

Eablir smiled before saying, "Good now, focus and change it to fire!" 

Harry's black eyes trailed to the ice and after a few seconds the ice turned alight and a flame was bobbing calmly above his hand. 

Eablir smiled and gestured for Harry to sit on the ground with him, only after the flame had disappeared and Harry took a breath did Harry's eyes turn back to normal.

"You see, Master, when you let it control you it engulfs you, you are no longer in control and then people get hurt. When you are in control you are the Master." Eablir smiled a sickly grin.

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