➵ Tyler Joseph - You Don't Belong Here

Start from the beginning

We arrived in our maths room and sat in a line at the back, choosing our seats ourselves since our teacher was off ill. We were supposed to be studying for a test that would happen once all the class had arrived, but we had taken the seats earlier to plan the party that we would be hosting after school.
I kind of zoned out, not interested in the multiple types of alcohol that we would be smuggling. I didn't have a problem with drinking, smoking or doing a few harmless drugs. But I didn't want to do that sort of stuff in the middle of a semester.

Not bothering to study for a test that I already knew I was going to pass, I doodled on a piece of paper that I had found in my bag. From beside me I could hear Jessica yapping about how long her parents would be gone for and how perfect tonight was as she sat on Chris's lap. Steven was staying uncharacteristically quiet, probably to avoid slapping Jessica, and Alex was dissolving some sort of psychedelic on his tongue.

"I'm not gonna get beat up if I sit here right?"

I turned my head away from my friends towards a boy with fluffy brown hair and deep brown eyes. I recognised the boy to be Tyler Joseph. We shared a few classes and he was known to be one of Brad's favourite jeering opportunities. I glanced at Brad who seemed preoccupied by whatever conversation he was having and turned back to the anxious Tyler. His eyes were darting around the full room and I could see that he regretted getting here so late that his only seat option was close to such a mean person. I smiled at him warmly and pulled the chair out next to me.
He released a deep breath and took a seat, taking his pencil case out of his bag and placing it carefully on the desk.

"Thank you." He nodded curtly to me, resisting eye contact by instead warily keeping an eye on my friends.

"Don't mention it, he's a bit of an asshole sometimes." I smiled at him before kicking my feet up on the desk and closing my eyes for a few minutes until our substitute got in.


I was awoken by a soft hand gently shaking my shoulder. I looked over to see Tyler motioning towards the door where our teacher was entering. I nodded my thanks and then dragged my feet of the desk, now crossing them on my chair and pulling out a pen.
The test papers were handed out and in a few seconds we were told that we could begin. I finished the paper quickly and smiled to myself. I did quite appreciate being smart without any studying involved. I looked around and noticed Tyler chewing on his pencil out of frustration. He was on question 13, and I had to give it to him, it wasn't an easy question.
After witnessing him struggle for another minute or so I pulled the pencil from his hands and jotted down the workings and answer. He looked at me surprised before turning back to his paper and analysing what I had just written. His mouth made a small "o" shape and he then continued on with the test. I couldn't help smirking at his embarrassment, it was almost quite cute.

Another 15 minutes passed and our teacher came round to collect the papers. He sighed at the state of my friends' papers and I chuckled lightly, locking eyes with Steven who sent me a quick wink. Wondering what he'd written on his paper that was making him so proud, I put my feet back up on my desk and pulled out my phone. I'd find out once it had been graded.
I had a couple of notifications from my friends Katie and Sarah but that was it. I replied to them and then went to start a conversation with Steven.

Before I could do so, I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Y... Y/N? Thanks for um, helping me on that question." Tyler said embarrassedly. I giggled at him, he wasn't making eye contact and was fiddling with his hands.

"Nothing to worry about, thought you might like to get a good grade is all," I replied, flashing him a smile before walking over to sit on Steven's lap.
As soon as I sat down however, Steven pushed me off.

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