"Are you afraid of thunder?" Niall asked dubiously.

Liam chuckled shakily, "I- well yeah, I guess I am."

Niall turned around and grinned, looking at Liam with amusement. "Now that's cliche."

"Is it?"

Niall laughed, and another thunder strike hit, but this time it was so close that it lit up the room with a bright intensity. Just enough for Niall to see Liam's wide puppy eyes staring at the window in paralysis. It was such a comparison to the dark, lust-filled Liam from earlier.

Niall leaned into him, kissing him lightly. Trying not to take things too far by pulling away — he was still unsure of where they actually stood — but Liam's iron hands were at the back of his head in an instant. He crushed Niall's lips against his, erasing any delicacy Niall was attempting just seconds ago. Their tongues pushed against each other. Niall deepened the kiss while his hand found Liam's very bare chest. All knowledge of the ongoing storm outside is far forgotten. Liam let out a moan as Niall pressed himself full-on against Liam. The heat was rising; everywhere Liam touched, Niall felt like he had just been scorched. It left tingling trails along his skin.


Niall slowed, holding back by trailing small kisses along Liam's jawline, "Yes, Li." He was surprised at how deep and husky his voice had become.

"When did you...?"

Niall paused and looked into Liam's eyes, "When did I what?"

Liam bit his lip, his eyes lazily trailing Niall's face in the dark. "When did you start...feeling this way?"

It was Niall's turn to get shy. He sat up, running a hand through his hair as he contemplated that question. Unsure of how to answer, of where the truth really lay. "I think," He spoke slowly, looking back at Liam, who had imitated his movements, "I've felt it for a while." He smiled sheepishly, adding on in haste before he could chicken out, "Perhaps even before I lost my memory...there was something about you, about seeing you. You're not just someone who is easily forgotten. Not someone I can forget."

Liam's face grew grave. The air changed around him, along with the intensity in his eyes. "Promise?"

Niall's brows furrowed in confusion. He grabbed Liam's hand, giving a gentle squeeze before giving Liam his word. He wasn't lying. Liam was engraved so deeply into his mind that he found it hard to do anything without thinking of Liam in some way.

They lay back down, and they whispered through the stormy night. Mostly just Liam, talking about the past, telling Niall everything he desired to know. He wasn't sure when he fell asleep or when he started to drift off. But one can certainly get used to falling asleep to the sound of Liam Payne's voice.


"Another week?" Niall stopped in his tracks. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the tone in Liam's voice threw him off. So he stood there, more confused than curious about Liam's phone call. "But-" The silence was filled with tension, "Mom! You know-" Liam's stopped abruptly, then in a quieter voice, he began again, "Mom, you know why I can't stay here that long."

Niall took a step back, more confused than he'd been in a long time, but he gathered his wits and knocked lightly on the door. When he peaked through the door, Liam beamed at him brightly, and it was enough to ease his mind.

"Got to go mom, love you." And just like that, Liam was his.

Niall cocked an eyebrow and handed Liam his cup of coffee. He sat across from Liam and looked at him over the brim of his cup as he took a drink. "So, what's going to happen?"

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