Freckles and journals

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Skye finds herself in the midst of a hallway with plexiglass walls housing different patients. Questioning the molecular makeup of the glass as one inhabitant incessantly banged against it, with no damage done. She turns on the sole of her foot before following her new boss. "If you don't make eye contact, most of 'em won't bother you to much", he states. The comment was meant in a comforting manner but shook Skye up even further.

"Come, come" he repeats, noticing how  Skye cannot pry her eyes away. Realising she was being rude, she sheepishly catches up to her supervisor and squeaks an apology. The simple nod of his head is his only acknowledgment. Murky fluorescent lights illuminate an oversized dark hallway. "Fletcher is our hopeless case here. Kid pushes everybody away due to his personality disorder", he says. Leading her further down the corridor, her boss stops her in front of the only cell without clear windows. A chill of uncertainty cooly slides down her spine. "Don't worry he's harmless...mostly", he mutters. The door unlocks with the swipe of a card. Before her foot crosses the threshold, he plunks a clipboard into her hand. "Good luck", he smiles while taking his leave. She feels majorly unprepared as he leaves her, and rounds a nearby corner.

A single hushed sigh sat on her lips tasting sour. Swallowing any trace of apprehension, Skye staggers into what she assumes is Fletcher's room, taking notice to the apparent lump of pillows and blankets. She begins to skim the file on her first patient. Not being allowed much time for proper training, the twisted knot of fabric begins to move in the small trundle bed. With a deafening creak, a young man sits up with perfect posture, as a waterfall of bedding glides onto the cream floor. His hands tightly clench a leather bound journal and a meticulously chewed pencil. His hair was a shaken tangle of brunette curls, and his eyes were a vibrant green that pierced through Skye's soul. She felt her saliva harden at the back of her throat, all expectations flying out of the foggy, chained up window. Her reaction mainly due to the paper in his notebook, yellow in colour.


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