"…" Adam didn't say anything to that.

"You know I once knew a man like you Adam. He was dealt a bad hand in life like most of us. He had been hurt by the world through the loss of his family, his friends, and those he once worked with he watched them all fall one by one. Despite all of this he sought out peace. He felt that conflict could only stop once everyone has felt the same pain, and once that happened fear of that pain would ward against future conflict. With that in mind he set out to bring real pain to the world, and you know what? In the end he failed. Even with his best efforts he couldn't achieve his goal. He was stopped by another person with the same end goal, but a better, if slightly more difficult, path to reach it." Itachi said with a wistful look. "Tell me… is this current path the only one you can see?"

Adam was completely silent lost in his own thoughts of the past. His own childhood that had been taken from him. His escape from those damned dust mines. The loss of the rest of his family… The hope he'd had when joining the Fang. The disappointment with the lack of progress. The friendships he'd made and broken with his own hands. His own desire to make the humans feel just what he felt. For them to experience what it's like to be branded like nothing more than an animal. Was that all he was fighting with the Fang for?

The Lieutenant had shifted his focus over to his commander. 'Is he actually questioning our leader's righteous quest all because of the words of some human?' He asked himself shocked.

Itachi was glad that Adam was at least thinking over what he had said, but they did have other things to do. Namely Ruby's training session and retrieving the weapon he had asked her to put together. He could only hope she stuck to the specifications he had given her but knowing her he doubted that would happen.

"You don't have to answer this question right now." Itachi said breaking Adam from his thoughts. "When you have the answer to that question then we can resume our negotiations." He said sliding a scroll over to him. "When you're ready just give us a call on that and we will arrange something, but for now we have other business we need to attend to." He finished signaling Neo who had been sitting in the corner of the room with a bowl of ice cream.

Neo stood up and placed the long empty bowl next to where she had been sitting and put her hands on both faunus' shoulders before disappearing in a flash of light. The next thing the two knew they were outside the warehouse again, and before they could say anything Neo disappeared in another flash of light.

"Let's go." Adam said walking away. Slowly the Lieutenant followed lost in his own thoughts as well.

With Itachi and Kisame

"What do you think?" Kisame asked his partner after Neo disappeared with their guests.

"I'm not sure. Only time will tell for this situation. There are too many things I don't know regarding him and whatever makes up his past, but I am pleased to see that he was seriously thinking about what I said." Itachi said as he stood up and got ready to leave.

They had been looking over the reports Roman had given them regarding the HA all morning. Truly if a simple criminal mastermind has people in something like the Hunter's Association then they didn't really need to question how their unknown enemy could do the same. In Kisame's eyes the lack of security around their "classified" documents was almost offensive.

The main reports they had been focused on were the situation at the town of Ardent, the sudden disappearance of the vice-chairman of the Association, and the recent passing of two of the HA's veteran pilots. All in all, there wasn't much to be done with any of it, but it did give them further insight into the HA itself.

The next thing on their agenda was something that both of them definitely enjoyed if for different reasons, training their young hooded friend.

The two gathered some supplies they might need in order to make the training 'interesting' and left the base that was serving as their current residence. Roman had given them reign over most of the underground area to use for whatever they may need, and while they didn't necessarily trust Roman, they understood the kind of man he was. He was a survivalist plain and simple, and he knew betraying them wouldn't be in his best interests. Even so, they had taken a few precautions here and there just in case. A backup plan or two never hurt.

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