Chapter 3

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"Well what's our next step?" Kisame asked as they made their way back towards Vale.

"Now we can either wait till morning to go to that store or we can observe more of Vale's night goers." Itachi answered.

"We have all the time in the world to observe some more of the nightlife in this area, so for now let's rest and wait for tomorrow." Kisame said.

"Alright since the Grimm are apparently a threat here then we need to stay observant while we rest. I'll take the first watch when we settle in then you can switch." The Uchiha said.

"Alright there was a clearing up ahead that might be a good place to rest at." Kisame said as they passed into a more familiar area.

"Alright we also need to watch out for any people that might be passing through the area. We don't want to draw any more attention to ourselves right now." Itachi said looking around.

"If the areas outside the city are as dangerous as they say then I wouldn't be too worried about foot traffic. Back in the nations the biggest worry were enemy ninja, but here these people are completely terrified to go out if little red's reaction was anything to go by." Kisame said with a grin. "It doesn't really matter how big these things may get I don't think they will compare to the tailed beasts we had to hunt."

"I'm almost certain there won't be many if any at all that can cause that great a threat, but we still need to be ready in case there are some."

"Yeah I know. This looks like a good spot." Kisame said stopping.

"Sleeping in another tree then?" Itahci asked with a smile.

"Yes there's usually no safer place." Kisame said with a grin.

"Coming from the fish out of water." Itachi grinned.

"The fish that is perfectly happy and willing to shred you to ribbons." Kisame returned the grin.

With that the duo rested with Itachi keeping watch for a few hours before Kisame took over. Unfortunately, in Kisame's opinion, nothing interesting happened, so he just sat there until the sun started to rise. By that point Itachi had woken up and was now sitting against the tree he had slept in.

"Out here all night and not even a single Grimm how strange." Itachi said thinking aloud.

"They might only be attracted to certain things we can research them more today." Kisame said with Itachi nodding.

"So along with history we also need to look into Grimm and this group called huntsmen. After that we can do some recon on the area, and specifically Beacon. We declined their offer, but we still need to be observant of what is happening there." Itachi said.

"Luckily we know someone going to Beacon, so we can also talk to her to keep up with things." Kisame added with a grin.

"While that is true we don't want to do anything that might endanger her time spent there. If she were to get kicked out because she is in contact with us, then that would be disastrous for her own dream of becoming a huntress." Itachi said thinking back to the night before at the station and how excited the girl seemed.

"Yeah you're right… but there's a chance Ozpin might use that relation to swing us over from neutral to his side instead, so he might see it as an opportunity. Basically, we are doing our own recon regardless." Kisame said after a moment.

"Yes now let's go." Itachi said jumping to the next branch and heading in the direction of Vale.

Kisame grinned and followed. 'While we want a world without lies I do hope this new world will be fun.' He thought to himself.

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