Chapter 6

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With Itachi and Kisame

"Let's see if this person will be interesting or not." Kisame said looking at the doors they had stopped in front of.

"With how long it took them to get ready I hope it isn't a waste of time." Itachi muttered more to himself than his partner.

After a few days wait with nothing of interest happening the duo had finally been sought out by their multicolor-haired friend. They were then led through the city to what they had been told was the meeting place. Roman had joined the group partway through the trip, but now that they were here the two criminals had gone through the doors and told them to wait a moment.

"If they were going to set a trap it would probably be right now." Itachi said causing Kisame to nod.

"If it is a trap then we can at least have some fun with them. We still haven't had that spar and I'm getting restless." Kisame said with a dark grin.

"Just don't attack first. If they make the first move then we will go from there." Itachi instructed.

"Right." Kisame said as the door opened revealing Neo motioning for them to come in.

When the two entered the dimly-lit room, they took note of several things. Neo moved off to the side next to Roman, but they just stood and waited. A woman was sitting in what almost looked like a throne near the end of the room. Two individuals were standing behind her partially hidden by the shadows. Finally, another individual was standing on the other side of the room with his back against the wall. Even with the mask on Itachi and Kisame could tell he was staring at Kisame.

"So... you two are the ones who interrupted our robbery the other day." The woman in the chair said motioning for them to come closer which they did slowly.

"We just happened to be nearby." Itachi said staring into the woman's almost glowing eyes.

"I see..." She said standing and walking up to the two. She stopped in front of Itachi and put a hand to his cheek.

Itachi had never taken his eyes off the woman, but he wasn't looking at her like she thought he was. He was looking into her very soul looking at the strange aura the woman had it wasn't natural. 'She is different.' He thought before speaking. "Is that really necessary." He asked leaning his head slightly to the side away from her hand.

Cinder narrowed her eyes but put her hand down nonetheless. "Why did you want to meet me?" She asked.

"We all have questions it seems and want answers. Why did you send Neo to spy on us?" Itachi asked the woman.

"I heard from Roman what you did during the robbery, and what he told me was interesting."

"What exactly did he tell you?" The Uchiha asked.

"He told me about a man with black hair who summoned a flaming skeletal arm to protect a girl from an explosion." Cinder said looking at him. "And that interests me very much." She finished with a sultry smile.

"I take it you're interested in my abilities then?" Itachi asked.

"I most certainly am. An ability like that must have several uses to it, and I could think of so many ways to use them." She said with her alluring smile.

"You want us to work with you?" Itachi asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, it would be beneficial to the both parties I can assure you." She said easily.

"In what way could you benefit us?" He asked.

"We have resources and can get you just about anything you might need." Cinder offered.

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