"According to the map that is where the town is."

Qrow looked to Kisame whose face was unreadable.

"Alright slight change of plans we're going in hot literally. Get us as close as you can, and we'll figure out what's going on down there." Qrow said to the pilot.

Kisame looked around at the people in the front cabin then directly to the pilots. "Has there been any contact from this town? Distress signals? Anything?" He asked.

"No, the communication lines have been completely silent, but this area isn't known for having the best signal in the first place, so it isn't that uncommon." He answered.

'Wonderful.' Kisame thought sarcastically. 'Back home I'd think it was a raid on the town be it by enemy shinobi or bandits, but here I'm not sure. There are many possible causes of why a town would be burning, but I don't know a damn thing about this place in particular.' He thought with a frown.

Normally he'd think a random burning town wasn't his business, but his mission was to help protect the town, so protect the town he would do, or at least try to.

Within another few minutes they were close enough to see many of the buildings on fire.

"With the smoke we can't get much closer, so this is as far as we can take you. We'll find a place to land and then wait on your call. If we don't hear anything after 24 hours, we will assume the town has been lost, and return to Vale and let the HA know what's happened." The pilot said looking at the two huntsmen behind him.

"Don't worry we'll call you back in a bit." Qrow said before opening the side of the bullhead. Kisame looked at the pilots once more before jumping out the side and making his way to the burning town. For some reason he didn't completely trust what the pilot said. 'Why would they wait a full day before contacting the Hunter's Association instead of contacting them now to possibly get backup and transport ships for evacuation?' He asked himself as he landed in a tree. A few seconds later Qrow landed near him.

"Come on the sooner we get to the town the better." Qrow said running in the direction of Ardent.

Matching the older man's pace Kisame decided to voice one of his concerns. "Don't you think it's strange?" Kisame asked as he ran alongside the other man.

"What's that?"

"We arrive to find a town burning, but we received no reports, notices, distress signals, or anything." Kisame answered causing Qrow to frown.

"You're right it is strange." Qrow admitted. The town was out of the way, but the signal tower was usually able to connect to the CCT, so what had happened?

'I suppose I'll just have to be ready for anything just like back then.' Kisame thought to himself. This felt all too familiar to him, and in this situation that was probably a bad thing.

When they reached the outskirts of the town, they started looking around for anything to help paint this picture. People, Grimm, anything.

The first thing they came across were some houses. Most of them on fire, but the ones that weren't they quickly checked only to find corpses.

'This doesn't look like Grimm.' Qrow thought noticing that the corpses weren't completely mangled and partially eaten. Grimm usually ate their kill unless something else caught their attention.

"How sharp can Grimm claws get exactly?" Kisame asked inspecting one of the bodies.

"They can easily cut you apart if that's what you're asking." Qrow said looking towards the other man. What he saw didn't help his sometimes-paranoid mind. Most people would be affected by scenes like this. People slaughtered so mercilessly, hell even he didn't like to see these kinds of things, but this guy was still unfazed. Almost as if he was used to seeing things like this, and then something in his mind clicked. One of the few things that he had learned about the two. They lived outside the kingdoms. They probably have come across scenes like this, be it done by Grimm or people, before.

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