Yang was going to protest, but Ruby covered her mouth. "I know what you're going to say, we've had this conversation before. I'll tell you what I told the headmaster. Regardless of what you say or do, I will trust them until they break said trust." She finished quietly.

Yang wanted to argue, but instead sighed. "When'd you go and become independent?" She asked more rhetorically than anything.

"I'm bound to grow up eventually." Ruby answered. 'And I think Itachi's calmness might be rubbing off because a few weeks ago I'd have no idea what to do in this situation and probably be panicking.' "Anyways Weiss is right it's getting late, and we have classes tomorrow, so we should probably get to bed."

"Wait a minute." Yang said staring back at her sister. "You said you were with them, but what were you doing with them?"

Ruby had to think about how much she wanted to say. She couldn't mention their sparring, buuuuuutttt they didn't say anything about the training. "They're teaching me hand-to-hand combat… and combat skills in general." She said giving two members of the team two very similar, if off base, ideas.

"When you say hand-to-hand you mean hand-to-hand right?" Yang asked very calmly the heat in the room rising.

Blake took in what Yang hinted at and she blushed a bit remembering a scene from one of her more… mature pieces of literature.

The additional meaning of the question went straight over Ruby's head. "Yeah hand-to-hand like I said, but you know it also includes looking for weak spots on the body, knowing just where to hit, and figuring out how to handle multiple people at a time."

I want everyone reading to know I'm enjoying writing this little tidbit.

Just because of where their minds were already Yang got even angrier and Blake blushed even more. Weiss was thinking clearly, and it made sense to her except for the 'why' Ruby wanted to be trained in hand-to-hand, but in the end that was her choice.

Blake's mind was racing. 'It sounds just like the training scene from Ninjas of Love II. Safe to say she was getting uncomfortable and the temperature of the room wasn't helping.

Yang on the other hand, or the same hand I guess… didn't like the sound of this training Ruby was going through. "Rubes." She gave her brightest smile. "I really don't think that you should learn hand-to-hand combat from them, why don't you let me teach you." She said the strain in her voice evident.

"They said that I didn't fit your style of fighting, so Itachi said he'd personally teach me while Kisame helps." Ruby said with a smile. Oh Ruby.

Hearing this Yang resolved to kill the two ninja the next time she saw them, and confine Ruby to their room for the rest of their time in Beacon, or until the ninja were gone. Ruby and Weiss didn't perceive any of the thoughts going through the brawler's head, and Blake was… distracted.

Without saying anything else on the topic RWBY somewhat awkwardly went to bed.

The Next Morning

As the first rays of sunlight came into the room through the gap in the curtains Ruby woke up at her usual time and tried to sit up before realizing there was a problem. "Why can't I move?" She mumbled quietly trying her best to move. "Uh guys a little help?" She called to her still sleeping teammates.

She turned her head and saw her sister looking over at her. "Uhh Yang could you help me out I can't move."

Yang just shook her head. "There's no reason for you to be up just relax you'll be fine."

"What about classes today!? I need to get up and get ready!" She said getting louder and by relation waking her other teammates.

"What are you two babbling about this early in the morning?" Weiss asked looking up to see the suspended bed above her swinging from side to side.

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