Chapter 2: Waking Up to Light

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"You think she'll be okay? Can we take that mask off of her? It's covering half of her face!" An energetic voice spoke, asking a constant stream of questions.

"I hope so and no. She is wearing that for a reason. Now be-" A cool, calm voice made me open my eyes.

"Why's it so damn bright?" I groaned, probably surprising the two women, because the cool voice paused.

"Probably because the sun is out."

I opened my eyes, ignoring pain raging throughout my body, and shot a glare at the pretty blonde woman. "Thank you for that observation, now do you mind telling where I am?" My voice was flat, but a smirk sat on my face.

"You are in the kingdom of Arendelle! And I'm Anna! This is Elsa!" An overly hyper redhead, Anna, bounced up and down.

"Nice to meet you I am Alexandria Light of Luxia Kingdom." I used my good arm to slip off my mask and smiled at the two women. 

"Luxia Kingdom?" The blonde leaned forward in question.

"Uh yes... there was an incident, and now I guess I am on the r-run..." I hiccuped, causing Elsa to place a hand on my shoulder.

"Holy shit!" I yelped, leading to both of the women jumping back.

"Are you okay? Did I-" "No i-it's fine I just hurt myself..." A headache started form in my head, and I began to be dizzy.

"Hey? Are you..."

Then the darkness surrounded me again; all I could hear was Elsa's worried voice.

——————————— Elsa's POV

Alexandria's ruby red eyes slowly closed and she began to slump back.

"Hey? Are you okay?" I gently grabbed the pretty woman's face, attempting to avoid any injuries she had. In my attempt to wake the girl, she groaned and slightly rolled, showing red snow beneath her.

"She needs medical attention now! Anna, go get the guards now. I'll keep watch over her."

My younger sister nodded frantically and ran off towards the castle. I continued to sit in the grass with the injured girl's head in my lap. She stayed still, deathly still, and I kept watching her chest move up and down, hoping that she would keep breathing. 

After a few minutes of holding Alexandria, I noticed how hot she was. She was burning up, so I placed my cool hand on her forehead, earning a small groan from the unconscious girl. 

—————————Alexandria's POV and Time Skip

"We stopped the bleeding and treated all of her wounds, but she is healing remarkably fast." A man's tired voice spoke, making me groan. "However, we can't seem to bring her fever down"

"Can you be quiet?" My voice sounded rough, but I ignored it and pried my eyes open.

"My goodness, she's already awake... incredible..." The doctor continued to mumble to himself, walking out of the room.

"I'm glad you're awake, but you must explain why you are here." The queen's eyes held an odd light in them, but I simply nodded in response.

"My brother overthrew my father's kingdom, and using the guards he bribed to maintain control. He killed my father, and he is probably hunting my eldest brother and I as we speak. I do not wish any misfortune upon Arendelle, so I will leave as soon as I am physically capable... that is if you will allow me to stay as long." I kept my face schooled as I spoke with the beautiful queen, refusing to break down in front of strangers.

"My kingdom will never refuse an innocent person in need; even if they are being hunted. For the time being, this will be your room, and you will have guards posted outside when you are sleeping. Now I must attend an emergency meeting with the council and discuss your situation-" "May I attend?" My words made the young queen pause and stare at me in wonder.

"You are in no condition to be moving around, much less arguing with the council."

"I am fine, and this pertains to me. I would like to provide my side of the story, and attempt to prove that I mean not harm. I am quite capable, and I was a head general in my kingdom's army... I refuse to be a helpless princess again..." My argument seemed to sway the ice queen, as she nodded along.

"Fine, but if I see you begin to struggle I will send you back to this room." Her threat only made me smirk confidently.

"Sounds wonderful my dear Ice Queen."

A Phoenix's Light (Elsa x Fem!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя