regrets // chris chambers

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i'm almost positive i've already used that picture, and i know it's for the mosquito coast and not stand by me, but wHaTeVer!
(apologies if this sucks, i didn't re-read before posting)
here you go, bye

It'd been about a month since you and Chris Chambers had broken up, but the dust still hadn't settled. The boys surprisingly took your side and kicked Chris out of the treehouse, although you had noticed Gordie look out the window a few times as he walked away, a regretful glare in his eyes.
You were 17, working at Blue Point, chewing away at tasteless bubblegum and serving burgers and greasy fries.
Life sucked.
"Hey," your boss, Barbara, who was only about a year older than you, walked out back, tapping on the door rather aggressively to get you out of your conversation with Teddy Duchamp, who surprisingly, after flirting with you non-stop since you met him, wasn't trying to flirt. You dropped your cigarette as she spoke. "Your lunch is over. Shift starts back up in about two minutes." Teddy groaned at her words.
"Hey, uh," he squinted at her nametag, "Barbara?"
You snorted a little. Now he was trying to flirt. Luckily, not with you.
She rolled her eyes and spun around slowly, her hand on her hip.
"Yes, Duchamp?" Her voice was strained.
"How 'bout you and I go inside," he began, creeping toward her and slipping an arm around her smoothly, "and get a few milkshakes, go back to my place, see what happens?"
She sighed heavily and slapped his hand away, pushing you inside the diner and slamming the door.
"Dammit! I'd pay!" You laughed as you heard Teddy's muffled voice outside.
"Oh come on, y/n. Table 2 and table 7. Hurry up."
You picked up a tray full of burgers and milkshakes and walked out to table 2, hoisting it over your shoulder with one hand. You served a massive family and smiled at a little tiny chubby toddler with strawberry milkshake all over his face, which honestly made your day.
Until you turned to look at table 7.
There he was, Chris Chambers in all his glory. You hadn't seen him since you broke up, it was summer and school couldn't force you together, but he looked different.
Oh, shut up, y/n, You thought to yourself, he looks the same.
Nonetheless, you stole another glance at his table, only to see a girl sitting across from them.
Your heart stopped and you felt tears blur your vision as you quickly stormed to the kitchen, ignoring a few people calling "waitress!" You practically threw the tray down as Barbara sped after you and she caught you in her arms right as you tried to sit down.
"Oh, honey," she muttered softly, stroking your hair, "I know."
You finally let your tears out and sobbed quietly into Barb's shoulder. She was sort of like an older sister to you.
"It's stupid, I shouldn't be acting like this!" You exclaimed, wiping tears away from your cheeks, "It was weeks ago. I don't even care anymore!"
Barb looked you up and down, one eyebrow raised, and you both burst into laughter. You were a crying mess sitting on the floor in a dirty kitchen.
"Honey, you still care. Maybe it'd be best to serve his table! I'm sure it'd get under his skin to see you."
You stared at her doubtfully and she raised one finger as if she suddenly had the best idea in the world. She quickly grabbed her handbag from a hook on the wall and touched up your makeup, fixing your hair while she was at it. You both giggled as she told you stories about her ex-boyfriend and how in love with her he still was.
When you got up she gently pushed you and smiled.
"Come on, girl. You can do it."
You nodded and saluted her, causing you to burst into laughter again, but your nerves were at their peak now.
Before you knew it, you were carefully walking over to their table. You saw Chris, forcing a smile. He actually looked rather uncomfortable being on that date. Chris locked eyes with you before you even got there and you saw color rise into his cheeks. He was blushing. Really blushing.
"Okay we've got two burgers and one milkshake to split for the happy couple. Is there anything else I can get you?"
The girl he was sitting with gave you a disgusted glare, not seeming to notice that her new boyfriend was practically a tomato.
"Um, can you leave?"
You were taken aback.
"I'm sorry?"
"I said, can you leave," the girl's voice had such a level of venom in it that you were rendered speechless for a few moments, "seriously, just fuck off. We were in the middle of something."
"Y/n," Chris spoke up softly, "Just go." He looked pained.
You felt the sting of tears rise back into your eyes and you gulped, turning on your heels.
You placed down the tray in the kitchen and walked outside to the back.
Your hands shook as you fumbled with your lighter, trying to light yourself another cigarette.
You kicked the dirt and slid down the wall, a few tears finally rolling down your cheeks.
Suddenly, you felt someone pull you up gently, and hug you.
You gasped and opened your eyes to see Chris, or at least his shoulder. He gently nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really am, I didn't mean it," he continued to repeat as you stood in shock.
You slowly wrapped your arms around him and let out a breath, not even knowing you'd been holding it in.
You pushed him off of you gently as you stared up at him, your eyes filled with hurt.
"Bullshit. You broke up with me. You clearly had a reason."
Chris looked like he was on the verge of tears too, something that surprised you.
"Look, I can explain okay-"
"Then do it." A certain coldness had returned to your voice but your heart was beating a thousand times a minute.
"I don't like Mary," he began. You assumed Mary was the bitch he was with. "At all. She's rude and nothing like you and I thought it'd make me feel better to go on a date with her but it didn't. I didn't mean to say what I said in there. I didn't mean to say what I said when we broke up. I regret it all. I broke up with you because I knew I wasn't good enough for you."
His last sentence caused his voice to break and tears started to roll down his cheeks.
Your heart ached as you pulled him into another hug, your stomach fluttering. He went practically limp as he sunk his head onto your shoulder again. His face was red.
You took a deep breath.
"Chris, you were always good enough for me. You always will be good enough for me."
You pushed him off again, held his shoulders and stared into his eyes.
"What, Chambers?"
"Can we try again?"
You didn't want to make it too obvious but your heart was soaring. You smiled softly at him and gave a little nod.
He smiled a little bit and you both began to lean toward each other as he tilted your chin up.
"You're an idiot Chris Chambers."
"You know you love me."
He pressed his lips to yours and the space between you two closed. A fluttery feeling filled your chest as the kiss deepened, clearly making up for the month of hell you'd both endured.
You heard laughing from behind Chris and you tilted your head, breaking the kiss. Chris's eyes stayed closed for a moment but he turned as well to be met with Teddy Duchamp, Gordie Lachance, and Vern Tessio, your best friends since sixth grade.
"You owe me six bucks Gordoe." Teddy laughed his high-pitched laugh and high fives Vern as Gordie sighed.
They all turned and began walking away, laughing.
"See ya at the treehouse, lovebirds!"

oof sorry that sucked, i know i've been gone for a long time but honestly idk if i'm going to be back very often, to those of you who've requested stuff, i'm sorry if i never get to it or if it takes me like a year to. at least it's summer now though, so who knows, things could change!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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