general store // gordie lachance

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it's finally the weekend which means i have full days to just sit back, relax, and write!
thank god.
i was kinda dying this week cause i had so many ideas but every time i tried to sit and write they'd be like "lol bye."
but anyway,
🛤 i hope you enjoy the story! 🛤

It was a summer day in 1963.
You'd just moved to Castle Rock, a tiny, drowsy town in the middle of nowhere, a few weeks before.
Honestly? You hated it.
The town was too quiet, and you hadn't seen a single kid your age yet.
But you were stuck.
Your mom had sent you out to go to the general store, although you knew she just wanted you to get out of the house and make some friends, which you would've objected to. It's not that you were antisocial, just annoyed.
You walked inside, escaping the summer heat and browsing the aisles, checking the list your mom had given you every so often.

-brown sugar
-chocolate chips

The crisp $5 bill in your pocket made you feel a little better about the whole situation, as you knew you could probably buy yourself a soda or some bubblegum.
As you strolled along, searching for a jar of molasses, you heard the familiar jingle of an opening shop door and the overlapping voices of four boys, who you saw when you turned around.
Cute boys.
And they were your age.
Of course, they immediately peaked your interest.
You noticed one in particular, a brown-haired, brown-eyed kid that was glancing at you with an odd expression. His cheeks became rosy pink when you made eye contact with him and he started to talk to his friends, still looking at you.
You sighed, predicting that nothing would happen, and kept looking for molasses. When you finally found it, you shoved it in your bag and turned to leave the aisle without looking, practically tripping over someone.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry."
You looked up.
It was the boy.
"It's okay, I was kind of in the way," he chuckled a little. Now that he was closer, you began to realize how gorgeous he was.
He cleared his throat nervously.
"I, um, I was actually coming over to introduce myself. You don't look like you're from around here."
You smiled at him.
"Lucky guess. I just moved here a week ago."
"Oh, well what do you know?" he said, a friendly hint in his voice, "I'm Gordie. Those guys are Chris, Vern, and Teddy. It's nice to meet you."
"Y/n. It's nice to meet you too."
He grinned and you two shook hands.
It was silent for a moment.
"Hey, so, uh, we were actually planning on going to the pool today. Think you'd be interested in coming with?"
You shrugged.
"I mean... I dunno," you smirked at him jokingly, "you don't seem very interesting. And why me? I mean, we just met."
He laughed.
"Fair, fair. But why wouldn't I want to invite a cute girl to the pool with me? You seem cool enough."
He winked.
You started to blush and a charming smile spread over his face.
"Look, the pool is down on 5th. If you wanna come, we'll be there."
"Okay, sounds good. Thank you, Gordie."
"No problem. I'll save you a seat."
He jokingly saluted you and turned, walking over to his friends who had already payed and were holding a plethora of sodas and candies.
You smiled at each other, never breaking eye contact.
They left, and you began to blush, feeling excited. You gathered up the other items quickly and added in a pack of bubblegum, throwing everything onto the counter with a huge grin on your face.
You couldn't believe that a cute guy had asked you to hang out with him. And called you cute! It was a lot to handle.
The clerk gave you your change and you practically ran home, finally making it to your front door and shoving the groceries into your mom's hands.
"Hi! How was the-"
"I'm going to the pool, Mom!"
"What? With who?" You could hear the confusion in her voice even from upstairs as you threw on your suit.
"Just some friends!"
You jumped down the stairs, finally dressed and insanely excited, and gave your mom a quick peck on the cheek after grabbing a Coca Cola from your refrigerator.
She gave you a suspicious grin, but didn't question it. You knew she was just happy that you were getting out of the house. And that you had friends.
You left, walking down the street with a huge smile on your face, headed toward the pool in your favorite red swimsuit.
When you made it there, Gordie waved to you and pointed to a chair that he'd saved, making you laugh.
And thus was the beginning of your friendship.

👒 there's not much to say lol. this was mediocre at best. let me know if you guys want a part two though (the pool)?
🧼 -camhhhh- 🧼


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