midnight // chris chambers

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🌑 requested by lovelylachambers 🌑
🌌 not sure what i was thinking with this one, but i hope you enjoy it! 🌌
this is basically the product of me being sad at 1 am. if you want the full effect, listen to 'tornado' by jónsi.
warning: mild smut (pg-13)

Castle Rock

It's around midnight, and being the restless person you are, you can't fall asleep. You've been sitting, reading your favorite book for hours, listening to the distant music coming from the 24/7 Blue Point Diner.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You turn, confused, to see Chris, your boyfriend, at your window.
Rubbing your eyes, you shut the book that you're reading and run a hand through your hair, walking over to the window.
You unlatch it and swing it open quietly. It's late, so your parents are asleep, but you don't want to risk anything.
"Hey," you say, then you notice the tears collected in Chris's eyes, "Chris? What's wrong?"
Before you can even react, Chris pulls you toward him, hugging you. He smells like sweat and he's shaking. You're shocked, but you hug him back. Something is clearly wrong.
You pull back from the hug.
"I'm sorry for waking you, I just-"
"Chris, it's okay," you beckon to the open book and reading light behind you, "besides, I wasn't exactly off in dreamland. Come in."
He sniffles a little and musters a weak smile, climbing in as quietly as possible.
You take his hands and lead him over to your bed.
Cupping his face in your hands, you force him to look at you.
"Chris, what's going on?"
That's when you notice the black eye.
"Holy shit. Who..." Your words trail off. You know it was his dad.
He looks at you, embarrassed, but manages to give you another smile.
"It's pretty bad, huh?"
You brush away a strand of his blonde hair with your thumb, a lump in your throat. He's such a good kid.
He doesn't deserve it.
Without really thinking, you lean in and kiss the bruised area as gently as possible. When you pull away, he's looking up at you, tears pooling in his dark blue eyes.
"God, I don't deserve you." He murmurs, holding your wrist. You wipe away a tear as they begin to fall from his cheeks, his face turning bright red.
"Stop lying." Your voice is tight.
"Shit, now I'm embarrassed." He says, laughing shakily.
"Chris," you whisper, looking into his eyes, "there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I love you. That's all that matters."
He freezes.
It's the first time you've said 'I love you.'
He leans in and kisses you softly. He tastes like salty tears, but you don't care. When he pulls away, he smiles sadly and longingly.
"I love you too, y/n."
Tears fill your eyes as he kisses your palm, then your cheek, then your lips again. He moves his body to yours gently. You can feel him shaking with nervousness and kiss him harder to make him stop.
As the kiss progresses, he ends up hovering over you, kissing your neck. You bite your lip and your grip on his back tightens as he leaves hickeys along your neck.
"Chris, I-" You can't finish your sentence.
You both kiss each other, trying to forget about the events of that night. He pulls off his shirt gently, trying not to hit himself in the eye, and resumes kissing you. He laughs a little, filling you with happiness.
For a moment, he pulls away, and you just look at each other. His chest and stomach are bruised as well. Without speaking, you kiss him where it hurts.
After taking off your shirt as well, Chris stares at you.
"Y/n," he breathes, "Jesus. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"I know," you whisper, smiling.
He finally smiles back at you. A genuine smile. One without pain.
You both lay on your bed, facing each other. You trace your fingers over his face. His nose, his ears, his hair, his lips. He just looks at you.
You fall asleep together.

When you know someone loves you, it's the best feeling in the world.

🌙 i'm a little too emotional and it's a little too late, so i think i'm going to go to bed. i hope you enjoyed this imagine! sorry it was a bit short! 🌙

love you all!


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