frustrated // chris chambers

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👒 hey guys! 👒
this is kind of a gif imagine? but long? idk??

(yay i finally figured out how to insert gifs so this is prob what i'll be using from now on? idk? maybe not.)
yeet ok

hope you enjoy!

1962Castle Rock

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Castle Rock

You were walking home from the treehouse with Chris, the sun just beginning to set. You'd spent the entire summer day in the treehouse, reading the stash of magazines that Gordie had, playing cards, telling stories. The boys were your best friends, especially Chris, and there was no place you'd have rather been. You two talked while walking together on the drowsy street.
"Holy shit, did Ted actually say that? To a girl? A real girl?"
Chris laughed.
"Yeah. He's creepy as hell sometimes."
"No shit."
You felt Chris's gaze linger on you, even after you'd looked back down at the weathered pavement, and just the thought of it made you feel warm.
Suddenly, the saturated stench of cigarette smoke filled your nose.
You immediately knew who it was.
Ace Merrill.
Of fucking course, You thought, sighing. A perfect day like this obviously couldn't pass without something horrible to balance it out. You averted your eyes, squeezing Chris's hand to make sure he wouldn't start anything.
"Hey, baby. How about we get back to my place? Have some fun?"
You didn't answer, but felt Chris's hand tense up.
Ace began to follow you, uncomfortably close.
"Ace, leave us alone," you murmured, trying to speed up your pace. You heard Eyeball and the other Cobras jeering at you from a few feet back.
"You gonna answer my question or what?" Suddenly you felt something touch your jeans. It was Ace's hand.
You slapped him, but tried to restrain yourself from further angering him and kept walking.
He picked up his gait, trying to catch you by your arm and failing.
He finally grabbed ahold of your arm and tugged you so hard that you could feel bruises forming already.
"I asked you a fucking question, sweetheart," He hissed. His grip tightened as you tried to pull away.
"Get the fuck off of me, pervert!"
Ace's face hardened and he moved even closer to you. Your legs began to feel like jelly.
"I said-"
Suddenly, Ace went stumbling backwards, falling on his butt in the dust.
Chris had punched him.
Chris stood next to you, shaking out his now sore hand and lowering it, his mouth in a firm line, his eyebrows furrowed.
Ace touched the side of his mouth, pulling his hand away at the feeling of blood.
He began to stand up.
You grabbed Chris's hand again, murmuring to him frantically that you two needed to get the hell out of there.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me. I'm gonna fucking kill you both!" Ace started toward you, flicking his switchblade open, and Chris stepped in front of you protectively.
At the last second, a hand grabbed Ace and pulled him away.
"Ace, Ace, hold on man."
Eyeball made eye contact with you and nodded slightly as if telling you to leave. He began to try to reason with the angered teenager.
Finally, Eyeball nodded and turned around to walk away.
You breathed a sigh of relief as Ace spat on the ground and walked away too, but pulled Chris aside as soon as he turned his back.
"What the actual fuck?"
"Chris, I swear to God. I don't need a babysitter! I can handle it myself."
You felt the words come out of your mouth, knowing that you didn't mean them. You were just scared that Chris was putting himself in danger for you.
Chris stared at you in shock, a glimmer of hurt in his blue eyes.
"Are you kidding me, y/n!? He just hurt you. He could fucking kill you if he wanted to! And he almost did!"
You rolled your eyes.
"It's just a bruise! You don't need to get so worked up about this shit," You said, reaching out to touch Chris's arm. Your voice softened, "I don't want you to get hurt."
He snatched his arm away from you, fuming.
"Yeah? Well I don't give a shit if I get hurt or not. All I care about is you not ending up as some sort of prize for an asshole like my brother."
You gaped at him in shock, trying to calm down as you also tried to speak over him.
"Chris, stop."
"And to think you could be hurt worse than you are now? I mean, seriously?"
"Chris." The anger building up in your chest was dangerously close to boiling over.
"Y/n, like I said before. I'm sick and tired of this shit always happening. Ace is an asshole and he needs to-"
"CHRIS!" You yelled at him.
The street was empty, the only audible sound being a faint record player in an old lady's window somewhere.
At that moment, you noticed that Chris was close to crying, his face red, his shoulders heaving as he tried to steady his shaky breathing.
The tenseness in your shoulders released almost instantly and you touched his face, making him look at you.
"Hey," You said. You were scared at how fast his emotions had changed, "It's okay. I'm fine, so are you. It's over."
You pulled him into a hug.
Chris's arms tightened around you and you pulled away, your hands on his cheeks. You wiped away a tear, and he hugged you again, this time tighter.
You could hear him murmuring "I'm sorry," over and over again into your neck, to the point of excess.
All of a sudden, Chris pulled away from the hug, took your face in his warm hands and pulled you toward him, kissing you softly. All of your anger was swept to the side as you practically melted into him.
When he finally pulled away, his lips dark red, you both stood there in shock at what he'd just done.
After a minute or so, you spoke.
He seemed scared and looked up at you like a guilty puppy.
Your voice softened until it was barely above a whisper.
"I'm sorry, too."

🌱 scoopidy woop, i made an edgy imagine! 🌱
i hope you guys enjoyed that, it was kinda short ish maybe? idk.
it's almost 1 am so i can barely form a full sentence, much less think of something to write down here, so i think i'll just leave it at that.
i hope you guys enjoyed the story, please don't forget to request. requests for this book are unlimited and always open.

love ya,

🐋 -camhhhh- 🐋
word count - 1110

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