After a few minutes of traveling at Ruby-like speeds the duo reached the edge of the city and settled for walking.

"You know Kisame these cloaks really do stand out don't you think?" Itachi asked.

"You're right, but they stood out back in the nations too." Kisame returned.

"That's true, and here just like there people seem to avoid us." The Uchiha said.

"I don't really mind it's better than pushing through a crowd."

"Crowds are easier to lose people in, but at this point I'm not worried about that. These can also serve as a symbol of our dream like they used to stand for the dream of the old Akatsuki." Itachi mused.

"So keep the cloaks then? Even if we took them off our attire would still stand out with just how different the clothes are, and your weapons would be more visible." Kisame said.

"You're right." Itachi said stopping in front of the bookstore. "Here we are Tuskon's Book Trade." He finished.

"Yes and it looks like it just opened lucky us." Kisame said with his trademark grin.

"With all good luck comes some bad luck and vice versa." Itachi said to his partner. That wouldn't have made much sense at the moment if they hadn't detected another person tailing them.

"Some people just don't give up, but this is a new one." Kisame said.

"You're right this one gives off a different aura as they called it, and the bloodlust is almost palpable." Itachi said before walking into the bookstore.

When they had both entered the bookstore Neo deactivated her illusion and looked at where the two had been standing. 'So these are the two who stopped Roman. The shorter one doesn't look like much compared to the bigger guy, but they both give me a bad feeling.' She thought with a frown. 'Oh well a job is a job I suppose.' She thought before changing her appearance and following them into the bookstore.

With Itachi and Kisame

"Hi there and welcome to Tuskon's Book Trade home to every book under the sun." The man behind the counter said putting a stack of books down. When he saw the duo he almost jumped back before calming himself.

"Is something wrong?" Kisame asked frowning. He knew that their appearance was frightening to most, but it was still fun to play ignorant.

"Oh nothing at all it's just strange seeing a human and faunas pair walking around together I guess." Tuskon said.

"Is that really so strange?" Itachi asked. "Faunas or no he is my partner."

"Well I guess that makes sense." Tuskon said with a smile. "My name is Tuskon how can I help the two of you?" He asked.

Just then another person entered the store. It was a black-haired girl with green eyes wearing a black and white dress. "Welcome I'll be with you in just a moment." Tuskon called.

"We were looking for some books concerning Remnant's History." Itachi said.

"And anything you have on Grimm." Kisame added.

"I'll check the back for those. They aren't the most popular, so I don't always shelve them up front." Tuskon explained as he went into the back.

After he had gone into the back the duo turned to the girl who had just walked in and had been watching them while pretending to read.

"Now then Kisame let's ask this nice young lady why she's been following us." Itachi said walking to the girl who was now backing away slowly.

Neo was nervous to say the least. 'Oh shit they knew…' She thought backing slowly towards the door.

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