Chapter 24- Conclusion

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Chapter 24


I sat in the hospital parking lot, thinking. I was trying to figure out a way to prove that Vicki was wrong about me. The truth was, she wasn't. She was absolutely correct. Everything that had happened, I had co-signed.

We had talked about everything in her journal. She is right. When we would have our stolen moments. Or send text messages. We systematically built this life the way it is. We got rid of Po first. Next, we got Aspyn to sign on. Giving her the choice of joining or losing me. Knowing that she would most likely join.

Everything. It was all on us. Vicki and I. To try and throw her under the bus would only leave tire marks up my back if I'm being honest. I had promised my wife that I had another way to make sure we could keep the girls. Now I had to go and tell her that it fell through. Our original plan was back on. Damn it. I hated this.

I wish that I could say my feelings for Vicki had changed. As a matter of fact, they had. They had grown. She was showing me the truth about myself. It seems like she had already embraced it. Showing me that I needed to come to terms with who I really was and what lengths I was willing to go through to get what I wanted. Build what I wanted. She loved me anyway.

I grabbed the big brown envelope from off the passenger side seat and headed towards the hospital entrance...

One year later.

We sat in the backyard of our nine- bedroom, six -bathroom home with a finished basement, pool and pool house with two more bedrooms and a bathroom as well as steam room. We definitely needed the space. Aspyn was able to get us a great deal on it before it even hit the market. Once MJ was born, we did everything that we planned to do. That included legally divorcing Aspyn and marrying Vicki at the courthouse. She was able to keep full custody and Po only gets visitation. He threatened to keep coming until he got the girls. Until he saw his lawyer fees.

He realized that we could afford them and he couldn't, so he went ahead and settled with every other weekend, spring break and a month during the summer. He's actually dating someone new now. It's keeping his mind off of the fact that he hates Vicki and I for betraying his friendship and their marriage. Good for him.

MJ was holding on to the patio furniture and trying to take steps as I cheered him on and made sure he didn't fall. Aspyn had just come out with a platter of drinks for everyone. Vicki sat next to me, nursing my second son, Victor. Every once in awhile, when I looked at Aspyn, I would feel a pang of guilt for the way we got here. Vicki kept me grounded though.

Whenever I had a doubt, she helped me realize that the means justified the ends. From now on, I would truly protect Aspyn's heart. As well as Vicki's.

"Oh babe, look at the time. You need to get ready for your date. She'll be here in a few minutes." Aspyn reminded me.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot." I said, standing up. I had already showered. I just needed to throw my clothes on.

As I was putting on my shoes, I heard the bell ring. She was here. I got downstairs and saw my date and she looked good, as always. She wanted to drive over here so she could see everyone and kiss the kids before we left. Especially since she knew everyone here and loved them.

"Say hey to Auntie Mya." Aspyn was telling MJ as Vicki and Mya hugged.

I stood back and watched their interactions and made my mind up right then and there. We didn't need anymore dates. She would fit in fine as my third wife. I would order her ring in the morning.

The End- Don't have a fit, Part 2 available on Amazon. Happy Reading and Thank you for your support!

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