Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


The ceremony was held in our backyard. It wasn't big. My sister was there. Even though she didn't agree with it. Mya and even my dad. It was a little awkward having him there since my sister hadn't spoken to him since our mom's funeral. She still blamed her heart attack and death on him for his infidelities towards her.

He, on the other hand wanted a relationship with my sister. I think he had guilt himself over my mother passing away. And definitely for the pain he had caused her trying to have his cake and eat it too. He seemed to be on board for this lifestyle that I was pursuing.

Mikai's parents and two of his friends were there. Vicki's parents had both passed on. Her brother was there and a friend of hers to show her support. We had a clergymen from a polygamous background bind our family together. He was legally allowed to married people. Even though Vicki and Kai wouldn't be legally married, it was nice to have someone who was ordained to do legal marriages to perform the ceremony.

We all stood at the altar dressed in white. The children included. We all promised to love and embrace each other as a family. Then Vicki and Mikai said vows to love and cherish each other until death. Vicki and I also vowed to cultivate our friendship and sisterhood, even when it was hard. We vowed to work together for the happiness of our husband and family. That as well as each other. Then all three of our hands were bound together with a traditional marriage ribbon.

By the time the ceremony took place. I was one hundred percent on board with giving this my all. The three of us had become so close. We had just finished moving Vicki and the girls in the week before the wedding. That was all arranged and one less thing to worry about.

We had the dinner catered at our home as well. I think it was odd for my sister to see the three of us sitting together at the head table. Even more so when he kissed her and then me. I ignored her looks and tried to have a good time.

Once the dinner began to wind down, I went with Vicki into her room to help her change out of her dress and do any last minute packing. She and Mikai were headed to Punta Canta for a week for their honeymoon. As I was unlacing the back of her dress for her, she started to talk.


"Yeah, sis." I answered. Lifting her hair and pushing it forward to reach the button at the top.

"I wanted to check in with you. Are you sure that you are truly on board with this? I remember the night you came to me when he first brought this up. You were not having any of it." she reminded me.

"No, I know. I remember. You are right. I wasn't for it. Ever since then, I have been doing research on it. I have also been in meditation and preparing myself for a change like this. I see that you two make each other happy. I also see how much love our children have for all of us and each other. Making them sisters was the least we could do for them."

"And what about us? You and I?" she asked as we finally got her out of her dress and she began to put on her white sweatsuit with "The Mrs." Spelled out on the bsack in crystals. A present from me.

"You and I are great. We are best friends and sisters. I am totally on board now. Trust me. What about you? Are you?" I returned the question to her.

"No. I am. I really am. I just know that as women, we change our minds and we can get jealous at times. I don't want anything to mess this up. That's all." She explained as she slid her shoes on.

"Listen. I'm sure there will be times when we will have our ups and downs. But friends and sisters do. We'll work through it for the good of the family. Like families do."

It was so weird to me that a few months earlier I couldn't wrap my head around this. Now, I was comforting my new sister wife. I really thought that this might work now. We finished getting her ready and an Uber came and took them to the airport. Mikai kissed me ever so deeply before he got in the car with her. He then whispered that he loved me so much and it had only grown today. That touched me and I shed a tear of joy as I waved them goodbye.

The caterers cleaned, the guest left, and I tended to the girls. I had taken two weeks of vacation to get everything settled and keep the girls. They would be back in four days. However, as the first wife, Kai made it clear that I had responsibilities. For instance, I had to work on the schedule.

This schedule was going to determine when he would be with me and when he would be with her. And not just for sex. But when he would stay in the room with each of us. Sex wasn't mandatory on those nights. Though, with his sexual appetite and body, it was almost inevitable.

The next was the schedule for household responsibilities. We had agreed that Vicki would be the one who stayed at home with the kids and ran the household as far as cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping and all that came with that. However, even she would need a break. We didn't want to overwhelm her with it even though she said she always wanted to be a stay at home wife and mother. I made the schedule that one night a week I would be responsible for dinner, cleaning the kitchen and putting the girls to bed. And Mikai would be responsible for one day as well.

It seemed fair that he take Wednesday and I take Saturday. Sundays would be our family days. We would either all spend time at home as a family or go out that way. We would order in or eat out. That would be a day of rest, so to speak for all of us. Noone would have to worry about cooking or cleaning on that day. Not unless we wanted to. I know some Sundays, I loved to go ahead and make a roast chicken stuffed with peppers, onions and zucchinis. I would make mashed potatoes from scratch and a huge salad. So that would happen on occasion still.

The good part was that she would be bringing her own money in. She was still technically Asa's nurse. We would of course sign her timeslips for her to get paid since she was still going to care for her during the day while the others were in school. Nothing much would be changing in that respect. Plus, even though we weren't hurting in any way for money, it was an extra thousand every couple of weeks to add to the family pot.

Mikai was going to take care of the finances from now on. At this point, he was worth three point nine million with the businesses. We didn't have to work, but I loved selling houses with Mya. I was worth a half a million at least. He didn't know just how much. I showed him the bank statements that said I had half of that.

Even though I prayed this would work, you never know. People change. I wasn't about to have to stay because he had control over every nickel I brought in. That was dead. Vicki and I had agreed to giving him our whole checks. He would then give us a few hundred for spending money and invest and save the rest.

He wanted us to be able to buy some land in a remote area and tend it one day. It was called our "Taking back our identity" plan and fund. It was starting to grow on me as well. I found myself thinking of one day stepping out onto our huge porch and looking out over acres of land that we had planted ourselves while our children played.

I couldn't believe how much my thoughts had changed over this. I thought we were all happy. That's why it was so unexpected, when Vicki began to show cracks in the façade. Especially when she was one of the main reasons I had chosen this life.

Enough Love For Me- Sister Wivesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें